Chapter sixteen

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Alexis POV:

We both just stood there with the same shocked expression on our faces staring at each other. "cough cough." we both snapped out of it and looked at who did that. "uhh do ya'll like know each other or something." some guy said with brown hair and a bandana said "oh um ya actually we do." Nash said they just stood there with confused looks on their faces it was actually kinda funny. "how." the same guy asked. "w-." I was cut off by Nash "same school." he said then looked at me with pleading eyes. oh I know why he did that know he doesn't want me to tell them that he use to bully me well this should be interesting. Wait did he not know I was cam's cousin probably not or he wouldn't have bullied me or mentioned him to me before. "ooookay. anyway Alexis these are the guys Matt, Taylor, Aaron, Carter, Jack G, jack J, Hayes, Mahogany, and it seems like you already know Nash. and guys this is my cousin Alexis." cam said and let me tell not one of them were bad looking they were all really cute. I just waved at them but was stopped when they all started crushing me in a group hug except for Nash and cam while say hey's and stuff. When they finally let go they same guy that with the blonde hair that said that comment about me said " damn cam I never knew you had a hot cousin before." I just blushed "because I knew that yall all would be doing this now ya'll all be extra nice to Alexis and don't even think about making a move on her got it guys." cam said with seriousness in his voice which was really embarrassing like really cam I'm right here. He's so protective sometimes. They all said got and stuff and some even said damn it or come on which was funny. Then some older guy came walking towards us I'm guessing that's their manager and said. "ok guys I was arranged people and who they are going to be staying with in there rooms. So here's the list.

Taylor and Carter
Shawn and Matt
Aaron and Hayes
Nash and Cameron
Mahogany and Alexis
Thank God I'm rooming with a girl and not one of the boys and Mahogany seems like a cool chick I think we're going to ft along really well. the Bart noticed me and said "nice to finally meet you Alexis I'm sure your going to get along great with the family." "you too and I'm sure I am." I said with a smile.
I me and mahogany made it to our room everyone is on the same floor so we're all next to each other. "well it's nice to meet you Alexis I'm glad you came." mahogany said all of a sudden as I was unpacking my suit case. "well I'm glad I came." I said and looked up at her smiling with her returning one back at me then there was a knock on the door so she went up to go answer it. When she opened the door some really cute Asian guy was there. "me and the guys are going to play truth or dare yall wanna come join?" He asked. Oh no I've never played and I pretty sure they never are good. "sure you wanna Alexis?" Mahogany asked "sure." I said I didn't want to seem like the wimp who didn't want to play so I just agreed end even tho I didn't want to buy hey what can you do.

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