Team Amaya

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When my parents found out about me getting kicked out of the Ninja Academy, they were disappointed as they should be. I didn't say anything else to them when I got home that day because I didn't want them to be more upset. I avoided them by isolating myself in room, just sitting on my bed looking dead at the ground.

My mother though.. she went to my room to talk to me about it.

"Sweetie? What exactly did you do to get kicked out?"

I didn't want to tell them about Naruto, so I came up with a dumb lie. "I was disrespecting Iruka Sensei, mama. I know now that it wasn't very nice to do."

Knowing my mother, she definitely wasn't buying my lie. She knows me more than anyone. "Nariko, tell me the real reason. I won't get angry." That's what they all say.. that's what every parent says when their child does something "bad".

I just stared at the floor, swinging my feet back and forth. If she found out that I was hanging out with Naruto, she'd stop me from hanging out with him. I'm not letting that happen.

"Nariko", she went to my bed and sat beside me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Please, just tell me the truth. If it's something you just want to tell me, then I promise that I won't tell your father."

"Promise?", I mumbled.


I took a deep breath before telling her everything that resulted into me getting kicked out of school. "I've been hanging out with this kid you guys told me not to hang with when I was little. Remember.. the disgrace to the village? We hung out ever since we met and he dragged me along to do pranks with him. I agreed because I thought it'd be funny, and it was funny. He's actually a great guy, and to think that you guys were protecting me from him when he's really just a kid who needed a friend. Anyway, now all of a sudden, someone catches us and I didn't want my friend to deal with what would come to him, so I took the blame for everything. I know you and dad are mad at me, but I'll figure myself out."

My mom was processing what she just heard. Maybe she's mad that I didn't listen to her about Naruto, but I don't care. He's my friend, and I'd do anything for him. After processing all that, she hugged me; I returned the hug.

"Oh, honey. I'm glad that you put your friend first.. but what about you? Don't you want to become a ninja too?", she asked.

To be honest, I didn't know what to say. Of course I wanted to become a ninja! I always thought ninjas were cool.. but- what if I don't know what I'm capable of? I could probably be more than a ninja.. maybe.. maybe I can be a baker. Who knows?

"Yeah, I want to be a ninja."

"Then why didn't you put yourself first? I admire your opinion on putting your friend first, but sweetie, why? Why didn't you put your dreams first?"

"Mama, you don't know him like I do. I think Naruto is capable of doing anything he puts his mind to. Did you know that he wants to be Hokage when he grows up?", I broke the hug and groaned slightly. "He's my friend, mama. I'll figure out what to do with myself. I can train myself to become a chūnin."

She sighed. "How will you do that? You don't even have your teammates or Sensei yet."

"I said I'll figure it out, mama", I got up and went out of the room, leaving my mother in there alone on the bed.
The next day, I was in the forest with Sasuke, who was sitting down in front of a tree throwing kunai at it; he had like 20 of them.

"I still don't get why you had to take the blame for that loser's doing", he groaned.

"Sasuke, I told you that I'd do the same for you if you were in his shoes. Just try to understand what I'm saying", I watched him throw the weapon at the tree one by one. I started to think that it was a way of him showing his anger.

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