Ninja No More?

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We were all in class, listening to our instructor talk about what to do and what not to do on a D-rank mission. Boring.. but I felt like I needed to hear so I just kept my head up.

"Psst- Nariko", I heard a familiar voice whisper my name, so I looked over at the table next to mine, only to see a goofy looking Naruto.

"What?", I whispered.

"Wanna eat ramen with me later?"

I nodded. We both have a fondness for ramen, so yeah.. I'm never turning down ramen if someone offers me some. Although, curry is my number one favorite food.

Kiba nudged the blonde and whispered "You like her, don't ya? Admit it! You're always asking her if she wants to hang out."

This caused the blonde to make a scene in front of everyone. "Shut up, Kiba! You don't know anything about us! I don't even like her!" After he said that, everyone had their eyes on Naruto. I blushed out of embarrassment and looked away at Sasuke, who was next to me and not paying attention to the commotion.

"Idiot..", was all Sasuke could say. And that's what Naruto was, an idiot. Why did he have to yell that out for everyone to hear? Well.. I guess it's better to just say it than to bottle up your emotions.

"Naruto!", yelled Iruka. "Are you seriously disrupting the class again? Some kids are actually trying to learn how to become a ninja. Isn't that who you want to be?

"Of course I want to be a ninja, but it's not my fault, Iruka Sensei. It was Kiba's! He kept saying that I liked Nariko and I don't."

I gave Naruto a death glare, not wanting him to say anything else. I then gave Kiba that same death glare, not wanting him to bring up anything about me and Naruto being a couple. We're just friends.

"But it could be true, sensei! Either they're a secret couple or she's with Sasuke." Kiba, how many buttons are you going to push today?

Sasuke immediately looked over at the scene and glared, not wanting to be apart of anything dealing with foolishness.

Iruka facepalmed and sighed. "I forgot to mention... Naruto, Nariko, the Hokage would like to see you both in his office."

I was confused as to why the Hokage would want to see me, a nobody, in his office. I got up from my seat anyone and headed to the door, followed by a furious Naruto.

Shikamaru looked down at Sasuke's table at the Uchiha boy, feeling almost sorry for him. He then looked over at Kiba, annoyed. "Kiba, why must you always push someone's buttons? He was just doing fine until you made the whole thing a drag."

"Hey, the guy can't keep denying his feelings. Isn't that right, Akamaru?", he questioned his puppy, who barked in agreement.

Sasuke was still glaring at Kiba, still annoyed at the fact that he brought his name up. "Why drag me along? I have nothing to do with whatever you're saying."

"Ah, technically.. you do, Sasuke", Kiba said, but quickly turned away after seeing Shikamaru hold up his fist.

"Ignore him, Sasuke. Let's not make this a bigger drag, okay?"

As we walked down the hall to the Hokage's office, Naruto was yapping about how stupid Kiba is.

"Stupid Kiba.. can you believe that guy, Nariko? Saying that we're a couple! That could never happen. I'm not saying that you're ugly or anything, but I have my eye on Sakura and you know that already so we're good."

Naruto's a really fun guy to hang out with, but he's pretty annoying at the same time. I keep the thought to myself, obviously. Also, I'd never date him either.

The Book of Nariko Hayashi | Naruto OCWhere stories live. Discover now