Could It Be Him?

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I was in my room, looking out the window at the beautiful blue sky, thinking on why I couldn't think positive at the moment. I tried my best not to think of my friend, but I couldn't help it. Sasuke was on my mind for the longest, ever since he left.

My mother knocked on the door, holding a plate of food she made for me. "Sweetie, are you hungry?"

"No, mama. I hate ten minutes ago while you were out."

"Okay.. well your friends Kiba and Hinata wanted to check on you, hun."

"..Tell them I said to not worry about me."

"Funny.. because they knew you'd say that. I told them to meet you by your window", she walked away with the dish.


Kiba and Hinata appeared in front of my window; I let it down and glared at them. "I thought I told you guys I was fine."

"But Nariko, you aren't.. you've been avoiding us and that's just not you", the ravenette spoke softly.

"Yeah, what she said", the male agreed. "We know how quiet you are, but you wouldn't avoid your friends like that. We want the old you back."

I groaned and looked away from them. "You guys aren't listening... when I say I'm fine, that's exactly what I mean. I'm fine. That goes for Shikamaru, Choji, Sakura- everyone! Tell them I'm fine. Don't worry about me, please."

And just like that, they looked at each other, shrugged, and walked away, giving up on making me feel better.

"Kiba, do you think she'll be happy again eventually..?", Hinata asked.

"Pfft.. if Sasuke were here, she'd be acting like her old self again. Maybe she will forget about him and accept that he's gone."

They saw a black bird fly pass them, holding a rolled up paper by their feet. "What the?-"

It was going towards my window, and stopped above, dropping the paper on the stool before flying away.

"Huh?", I noticed the paper and took it from the stool, looking up at the bird that was flying away. "Weird.. who would want to send a message to me?" Then I thought... a lot of people would want to. Nosey idiots..

Anyway, I unrolled the paper and read the note:

Dear Nariko, how've you been? I've been fine. Sorry I left the village unexpectedly.. well, not really sorry. You don't really understand my goals.. but I wouldn't mind getting you to understand them. Anyway, I'm writing to you right now just to check on you. You're the only true friend I had anyway.. the others don't mean anything to me. Not anymore. Write back to me whenever you get the chance.

My eyes widened when I got to the second line of the note. He actually thought about me while gone.. we really were friends, I thought. I had to write him back.

I placed the note on my bed and pulled out a blank sheet of paper, then a note before immediately writing down what I have to say truthfully. Nariko, do not bring up the Hidden Leaf village or else he'll ignore your letters. As I wrote, a smile grew on my face.

Hey, Sasuke. I've been great. You don't have to be sorry for leaving, honestly. As long as you're doing what you think is best, right? I thought of you as a true friend too, by the way. How are the goals that I have no idea about are going for you?

They've been going great actually. I'm forming a team right now to help me find Itachi and defeat him. Would you like to see a photo of Team Hebi?

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