Operation: Birthday

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Nariko couldn't believe it. Naruto, the biggest dimwit of the village, saved us all. She never stopped having faith in him. But.. the fact that the villagers went from hating him to congratulating him was a huge laugh for her. Haha.. but that's progression.

Everyone was getting together to rebuild the village, even Nariko. She and Aiko were sweeping the the glass from a shop that got destroyed. Oh, and Kurai? He was somewhere with Amaya rebuilding stuff.

After she was done sweeping, Nariko sat down and watched children giveaway free snacks and drinks to those who lost all of that during Pain's outrage.


"What is it?" Aiko asked, sweeping more glass from her area. She noticed that I had a small smile on my face.

"..Oh, nothing. I just remembered something was all." Nariko flipped her hair out of her face as she watched the children.

Watching those kids give away snacks and stuff made her remember a 'mission' she had with Sasuke and Naruto.


The day was August 2nd. It was an important day for Konoha and its villagers because August 2nd celebrates the birth of the fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade. She was someone the females of the village looked up too.. not so much Nariko though. She looked up to herself, if that made any sense.

But anyway, all the shinobi had a role in planning things for her birthday. Oh, and by all shinobi, that meant even genin. Nariko was on her way to meet Kakashi, who was one of the head shinobi in charge of the thing. He was going to give her a role, which was pretty much something that would keep her busy and not complain.

As she walked, she heard quick footsteps. Quick, familiar footsteps.. those being the footsteps of...

"Hey, Nariko!!" Naruto, the biggest dimwit of the hidden leaf village who also happened to be one of my friends, ran over to me, then slowly stopped and began to walk next to me. "Where are you off to?"

It came to her brain that Naruto was being called to meet Kakashi as well. He was Kakashi's student after all.. but that was besides the point.

"I'm off to... see what role Kakashi has for me to do for the party."

He squinted his eyes, clearly perplexed about the party.. specifically, who the party was for. It frustrated him to even think. "Agh.. whose party?"

"Lady Tsunade..."

Naruto felt dumb for not remembering the Fifth Hokage's birthday, though he played it cool in front of his friend. "Pfft..! I knew that! I only asked to see if you would kn.." He realised that she was the one who told him of the party anyway, so he changed the subject. "Kakashi sensei has to give me a role too!"

Nariko couldn't help but to smirk. She found it entertaining whenever Naruto realised he wasn't making sense. "What if your role is hard for you to accomplish?"

The blonde grinned from ear to ear when the girl spoke. "As the future Hokage, nothing would be hard for me to accomplish! You should think about yourself anyway, not me."

Though he was true, Nariko couldn't help but to think that her role would be easy for her. "Whatever you say."

As the two walked, they spotted Sasuke, who had just walked out of a food shop. Nariko recognised the shop to be the one that sold his favorite rice balls.

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