Sasuke Uchiha, Future Hokage

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The Fourth Great Shinobi was full of so many surprises. There was one surprise that was just so.. so unexpected.

I have lost one of my good friends, Neji Hyūga. He sacrificed his life for everyone, like a real shinobi. Sigh.. it was a shame how he left the world at age 16. Crying wasn't going to solve anything though, so I tried to forget about Neji and tried to think about the war and how I would help the other shinobi win it.

Neji is gone, but his spirit will live on. Cry about him later, Nariko.

I hated crying. I really did. But if it had to be done, then damn it.

After witnessing Neji's death, my team and I went over to take shelter which also gave us an opportunity to plan what we were going to do next. Kurai was so quick to take action, he hadn't realized that he was yelling at Aiko. Me? He knew not to yell at me. But Aiko... I'd expect that you've the last person he'd ever yell at. He was always so overprotective of her and didn't want her to see any other guy. Yeah, I sensed it from day three of us becoming a team.

"Aiko, you have to use your Cloud Shield technique!" Kurai shouted at his teammate. "It'll help out a lot! You know, so you can block everyone from getting hit?!"

"Kurai, stop yelling at her", Shino commanded. "You of all people should know how overwhelmed she gets. Especially when we're at war."

"That's exactly it, bug boy! We're at war. Aiko needs to stop being a baby and help us fight these losers! You hear me, Aiko?!"

The ravenette was fed up with everything. War, specifically. She just wanted everyone to get along and make peace. Be friends with each other. She didn't like fighting. Or yelling. She hoped that everything was a dream, but after pinching herself, she realized that everything was actually happening.

Kiba watched out the raven haired male yell at the ravenette out of anger. Like Shino said, Kurai out of all people should know how Aiko gets. Overwhelmed, sensitive, you know. The Inuzuka boy couldn't just stand there and let Kurai overwhelm her like that. "Stay here, Akamaru", he told his dog before walking over to the scene. "I'll do something..."

"Well!" Kurai kept shouting at the girl. "Are you going to use any lightning techniques?!" He was yet frustrated when he didn't receive an  answer from his teammate.

"Maybe she'll do it if you stop yelling at her like the jerk you are.." Kiba muttered as he approached us. When he looked at me, he noticed the tear stains on my face. "..Uh- are you okay?"

I didn't look at him, but nodded. I had no time to cry again. Crying felt stupid to me. I didn't want to have people feel bad for me.

"...I'm fine."

"If you're still sad about what happened to N-"

"I'm fine, Kiba." I reassured the Inuzuka, as I didn't want anyone to feel bad for me. I was fine, really. I just had to process everything. We are technically at war, and I didn't really expect anything like that to happen. It was fine. I was fine.

That's when I heard it...

"You sure took your time getting here, Sasuke", I heard Naruto say calmly.

..Wait a second.

"At least use Lightning Beam or something! We. Are. Dying. You saw what happened to Neji, right?" Kurai was still frustrated as Aiko wasn't responding to him, still fed up with the war. He got a bit jealous when Kiba hugged her and comforted her. "Grr.. and where are you going, Nariko?"

I walked away from them as I followed Naruto's voice. Did he just say Sasuke's name? What the hell was Sasuke doing here?, I thought. It's not like I was angry he was there, but just confused. Seriously.. why was he there?

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