Neji Hyūga = A Good Friend

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I never understood Neji back then. I always thought he was a prick.. you know, after hearing so much about him by Naruto as kids.. but as a teenager, I realized that he was developing. Developing really well.
Flashback as 12/13 year olds... in front of the Academy

We were all at the academy for the same reason, and we didn't know why. Our sensei's told all of us to meet up with them at the academy, but no one was there. Just us kids.

"Man.. I wonder when Kakashi sensei will get here", Naruto complained as he always did.

"I'm starting to think this is a joke.. and now I'm getting fed up", Kurai groaned.

"Relax, guys.. just relax", Shikamaru said with a sigh. "I don't know the reason either, but all I know is that it better be good."

As we complained, Amaya approached us while holding a small brown box. She had a smirk on her face that grew when she saw Kurai.

"Hey, children", she smirked.

"Amaya sensei?", Kiba questioned. "Where are the others?"

"The others? They aren't coming. We told you all that just so you guys would meet up at the same spot together."

Our faces went blank. Isn't it just funny to think that your sensei wouldn't lie to you? Yeah, so so funny.

"Damn it!", Kurai shouted.

Sasuke's eye twitched before he noticed the box Amaya was holding. "What's that for?"

"Oh, this? Well.. me and the other sensei's were talking to Lady Tsunade about our students not knowing how to get along with others outside of their group", she explained. "She suggested that we pair you guys up with a partner to get along and learn from them for a whole day. I'd say about... till midnight."

..I didn't want to do it. I couldn't do it. It's not like I have a problem with people outside of my team. I practically grew up with these guys.. well, not Team Guy. Speaking of Team Guy...

"I see..", Neji stood next to me. "So are you going to pull out a name from the box and start from there?"

"That's right.. Um, I forget your name", Amaya chuckled, causing Neji to groan.

"It's Neji Hyūga." After he said his name, he activated his Byakugan to see who he would be paired up with, but couldn't see anything due to the notes being faced down. "Damn it.."

"Why are you cheating?", I asked.

"..Why are you in my business?", he spat, his Byakugan was still activated. "And why on earth do you have so many chakra points?"


I immediately slapped Neji's face, making his Byakugan form go away and leaving a handprint on his cheek. I then turned away from the brown haired male angrily.

"Agh!" He placed a hand on his cheek, looking at me astonished. "..I'm impressed. Really, I don't think Hinata could even slap me that hard."

Really? That's what he was focused on?

Sigh.. Neji Hyūga. At first, I thought he used the Byakugan as a way to see through people, you know.. perverted like. I also thought he was the type to be a killjoy.

Naruto had saw the whole thing, as well as Sasuke; they were both looking as astonished as Neji was.

"Wow, Nariko! I didn't know you had a bit of Sakura in you", the blonde said as he stared at me.

"I'm surprised you never did Naruto like that.. the way he's been acting every day", Sasuke announced before getting yelled at by the blonde.

"Now just you wait! Wait until I get paired up with you, Sasuke!"

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