Kurai's Story

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We were introducing ourselves to Amaya sensei the second day we became a team..

"Let's begin our introductions", the woman said with a soft smile. "All you have to do is tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams for the future.. or anything else you want to tell me."

Hmm.. it seemed pretty easy to me. Too basic.. I like that.

"Can I start?" I asked, raising my hand.

"Of course, Nariko." She smiled and nodded for me to start talking.

I took a deep breath before telling my team a few basic things about myself. "My name is Nariko Hayashi. I like ramen, curry, and unagi. I dislike.. bullies, fangirls, and any food overly sweet, spicy, or sour." There were a lot of things I disliked, but I just named a few to make the whole introduction thing quick. "My hobbies are baking, writing, reading, walking, sleeping... and I'm not sure about my future yet. That's it."

Amaya actually listened to me and said, "That was a pretty great introduction, Nariko." She looked at her daughter and smiled, gesturing her to do the next introduction. "Aiko, your turn."

Aiko looked as if she was born ready to tell her interests to Kurai and I. "My name is Aiko Kobayashi! I like to meet new friends, nama chocolate, and making crafts! I dislike.. like Nariko said, I dislike bullies and my friends being in danger. My hobbies are training, crafting, dressing up, picking out flowers..."

She kept going on. I knew she was optimistic the first time I saw her. Kurai probably wanted to leave the room, but when I saw him, he was glaring at blushing at the ravenette at the same time. And to think that he was annoyed by her.. which he was, but liked it?

"So yeah! For my future, I want to marry a man who would be nice to me for the rest of my life!" She sounded pretty serious about that.. maybe her future would come true.

The raven haired boy's redness subsided as he began to talk. "My name is Kurai Onizawa. I like.. I like the color black and comfortable spaces. I hate fangirls, fanboys, society, stupid people, just to name a few. My hobbies are training and pushing myself to be the best. My dream for the future is to become Hokage so my mother will finally like me for what I do."

I didn't want to ask anything about the last part, so I just simply nodded. "I have a friend who's dream is to become Hokage too."

"Tch.. I bet he can't surpass me."

My eye twitched. That's how I easily get annoyed. Like, I know he wasn't talking about me, but at the same time.. no one said they were going to surpass him. People like that make my blood boil. "I don't think he can."

He smirked. "I know he can't."

Now one thing I absolutely hated is when people thought all high and mighty about themselves. It wasn't cool. It's still not. Kurai was just that kind of guy back then.. always thinking about himself and not others.

"He's blonde. We all know blonde people are dumb as-" He paused for a good 10 seconds before quickly standing, making his way to the door.

I was clueless as to where he was going, not really wanting to know the stereotypical statement he was going to make.

"Where are you going, Kurai?", Aiko asked, concerned.

"I forgot that my mom wanted me to do something for her this morning. I'll be back soon." The raven haired boy then ran out of the house to his destination.

"But we won't be here soon!-" The ravenette woman said at the last minute, but shrugged it off. "Girls, want to get ice cream before Kurai comes back?"

"Yes!", we both said in unison.
Kurai's POV

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