Lord Third's Funeral

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I remembered waking up in my bed the next day, thinking about what happened yesterday at the Chūnin Exams with Sasuke and Gaara. The only prediction I made was that Sasuke won.

I looked over at the window; it was so melancholy outside, I felt depressed just by looking out. Dark grey clouds, looking like it was going to rain.

My mom walked in my room and took a deep breath. She was wearing a black dress with long sleeves and black sandals to complement them. "Nariko?"

"Yeah?", I looked at her confused. She looked as if she heard the worst news to ever hear possible. "Is everything okay?"

"Nariko, the Third Hokage died yesterday."

My eyes widened. What the hell happened when I was asleep during the exam? "Wait- but I don't remember him dying when Aiko and I were watching the-"

"Honey", she stopped me from talking. "Apparently, you and others were trapped in a genjutsu that made you all fall asleep. The Inuzuka Clan came over last night to tell me and your father about the Hokage's death."

I didn't know how to feel after hearing that. All I said was "I'll get my clothes ready", when really I didn't want to go to his funeral. I hated funerals. It's so damn sad to just stand there and watch people cry, you know?
At the funeral...

Like I said, depressing. It was raining, the sky and clouds were still dark and grey. It's like the sky was mourning the loss of the Hokage as well. I stood in between Sasuke and Aiko, with Kurai and Amaya behind us. Everyone was silent as they stared straight ahead as the rain poured down on them; me.. I was staring at the ground to avoid awkwardness. I didn't want to hear anything sad.

I heard a child crying, so I looked up and around to see who it was, immediately finding out that it was the Hokage's grandson standing by Iruka, crying his eyes out. I looked down at the ground again and cursed under my breath; Sasuke heard me and looked over.

"What's wrong?", he whispered to me.

"I just remembered why I avoid places like this, man. I just feel awkward.. standing here and hearing people cry", I admitted to the Uchiha, avoiding eye contact.

He then looked forward and sighed. "Yeah, I get what you mean. It doesn't feel right."

I suddenly had a memory of the Hokage when I was eight.
It was evening out; Sasuke and I were outside on a hill watching the sunset. For context, he asked me to come along and think with him, whatever that meant, but I agreed.

"So... what are we thinking about?", I asked curiously.

Sasuke just stared at the sky and replied "About how what we're going to do tomorrow after our test." I knew he was lying, because he was staring off as if something was bothering him badly. Of course I was young back then and I was clueless about everything that was going on. Young and naive.

"Okay", I simply nodded.

As we watched the sunset, a figure approached us. We didn't hear him come until he said something.

"What are you kids doing out here?"

We jumped slightly and looked back to see the Third Hokage with a serious face, like he was going to punish us.

"We were uh... it was his idea", I nudged the Uchiha and looked away.

"Hey! It was her idea. She thought it'd be great to come out here at this time to think about v-"

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