Aiko and... Sasuke?!

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It was a normal day in Konoha, and my teammates and I just finished our sixth D-ranked mission. I'm pretty sure no one likes them.. but I actually did enjoy doing easy missions. Violence wasn't my thing to be honest.. I couldn't fight highly skilled shinobi anyway.

"Ugh.. I hate D-ranked missions. We never get to the real stuff", Kurai complained as he walked with Aiko and I. "My father always got involved in S-rank missions around my age because he was highly skilled. No offense to you guys, but I feel like I'm the best fighter here."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah? How come when we were back there trying to get the old lady's cat, you sat back and watched Aiko and I beat the enemy?" He blushed slightly out of embarrassment and was going to answer, but I cut him off. "Like, did you not see me use three wind techniques?"

"Yeah! And I used two of my lightning techniques" Aiko jumped in. "I'm so tired..."

"Maybe I sat back and watched just to see if you guys gotten stronger", Kurai huffed and looked away.

He only said that because we were girls, but we trained multiple times together and he should've known that we were all strong.


As we walked, I spotted Kiba and Akamaru in front of this place that I obviously didn't recognize until then. "Hey, there's Kiba."

"Kiba?", Kurai then looked forward and saw the Inuzuka boy with his dog. "..Him? Looks pretty rough."

"Oh, he is! He's rough and cute", Aiko said before blushing. "You should've been there watching the Chūnin Exams with Nariko and I, Kurai. He was so fast out there!" I wanted to stop her from being happy, but didn't because.. I don't know, something in me just didn't feel like doing it.

"Big deal.. I don't care about him or what he does." Kurai hides this fact, but he's willing to know everyone's abilities and if they're stronger than him. He is always ready for a challenge. He knew that Kiba looked rough, but didn't know what Kiba was capable of.

"Hold on, guys", I told my teammates before approaching Kiba and Akamaru.

Akamaru turned around and saw me, starting to wag his tail. Kiba looked down at him and noticed, then looked up to see me in front of him. "Oh- hey, Nariko", he smiled. "What's up?"

"Hey, Kiba. I just got done doing a D-rank mission with my team", I pointed at the two. "You met Aiko during the exams and you probably noticed Kurai at the Hokage's funeral.. not sure if you did."

Kiba stared at Aiko, not even noticing that he was blushing a bright red. I looked at him in disgust. I was so blind to love back then, I couldn't stand to see others discover it. His face was so.. weird. I waved my hand in his face to see if he would look at me, but he kept staring at my teammate. What could he have been thinking about?

Kiba's Mind
They were in a field full of cherry blossoms holding hands, with Akamaru running around playfully chasing a butterfly. He looked at Aiko and kisses her on the cheek, she blushed then did the same to him, making him blush as well. Then, they both kissed each other on the lips quickly before looking away with both their faces a dark red.


He heard his name and blinked a few times before looking at me. "Yeah?- sorry, I got distracted."

"Distracted by Aiko?", I smirked, then stopped after realizing something. Aiko's a pretty girl, and.. Sasuke's like a chick magnet. They were blessed with the same abilities.. only Aiko liked the attention she was receiving and Sasuke ignores it all. I shook my head and looked up at the place including the banner that said 'opening soon'. "What's this place supposed to be?"

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