Amaya x Guy Sensei?

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It never seemed to rain often in Konoha. I was inside Amaya-sensei's house with Aiko and Kurai. We were watching out the window as large droplets fell from the sky and splashed onto the ground to create large puddles. Those would surely be a treat to navigate the following morning.

Luckily for us, we finished our mission early in the morning, so we just sat inside and watched the rain pour down. I began to feel bad for Team 7 and other teams that had to carry out missions in the weather... oh well. Like I said, lucky for us.

..Did I mention something?

Something annoying? In Amaya's house?

I don't know if you'd consider him a "something" but... eh.

"Four hundred eight five... Four hundred eighty six... Four hundred eighty seven... Four hundred eighty eight..." I looked back to see Guy-sensei, who was yet doing push-ups on the carpet.

For some context, Amaya-sensei and Guy-sensei were supposed to have a planning day together, but the rain ruined it, so now they were planning at Amaya's house. Where was Team Guy? They were on a mission with Team 7, so that was that. I expected Guy-sensei to stop at squats, then he started to sit-ups, and now push-ups. He did 50 squats, 80 sit-ups, and now he was doing push-ups, his goal to get at 700.

"Guy-sensei, can you stop?" I asked, as I couldn't take anymore of his dumb warmups. At least Rock Lee wasn't there to hype him up.

"Nonsense, kid!" He exclaimed, still counting up towards his goal.

Amaya, who was sitting on the couch watching the man doing his exercises, watched him in a way that showed that she was completely done with his crap.

Guy noticed her staring and offered the raven haired woman a wink. "Would you like to join me, Amaya? It'll be fun."

"No, Guy." She replied quickly. "We have to plan what we're doing for our students next week."

"We have all day to do our planning, Amaya", he chuckled upon noticing her less than amused face expression, then beamed his usual grin. "Care to join me now?"

Aiko looked behind herself at Might Guy, speaking for her mother herself. "Push-ups are the worst, Guy-sensei!!" That statement caused a genuine look to appear on Guy's face. "Sure, they keep you healthy, but at what cost? You and Lee are so weird!"

Guy lowered his head as he began to snicker at the girl's words. "So you want me to stop? You and your mother?" He rose from the carpet.

..And me.

"Please." Amaya pleaded in a calm voice, holding out her arms to embrace the man.

Kurai then looked back at his sensei, squinting at her in a way that showed his suspicion of her and Guy. "Why'd you hold out your arms, sensei?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Guy fell onto the couch into the raven haired woman's arms, smirking at the confused boy.

"..Gross." He said, his eye twitching.

"Aww, don't act like you kids don't give each other hugs all the time." He told us before playing with Amaya's cheeks, causing the woman to slightly blush.

Aiko's eye twitched with Kurai's, though her eye twitch was more quicker as she was irritated by the fact that Guy-sensei was messing with her mom. She was even angry at the fact that her mom even opened her arms for Guy.

"Why don't you three go upstairs to Aiko's room?" Amaya said with a smile, trying her best not to laugh at Guy's dumb facial expressions. "We'll be doing our planning down here."

I wanted to tell her that they can go upstairs and we stay downstairs. But instead....

The three of us rushed upstairs to Aiko's room, shutting the door quickly behind ourselves, slightly slamming bit in the process.

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