Sasuke's Departure

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Author's Note
Before anyone says anything, yes. Yes, I know in the manga Sasuke was in an induced coma because of Itachi, but I decided to use the anime version (with the filler) just to make this easier for me.
After Sakura told me about Team 7's last mission in the Land of Tea, I decided to go visit my friend in the hospital for his injuries. It was too early for me to visit, but they still let me in.

I walked in the hospital, feeling bad that I didn't bring a gift for Sasuke, but it was whatever.

"Excuse me?", I asked. "What room is Sasuke Uchiha in?"

"Oh, hello!", the receptionist greeted. "Yes, he's in room eight. Fifth door to the right down that hallway." She pointed to the left hallway, and I began to walk.

As I walked, I couldn't help but to think about what my father told me the other day. About how some days I won't be able


I bumped into a woman while thinking hard about.. ugh. She had blonde hair, sweet honey-gold eyes.. and her boobs. Her boobs were huge. Who was this woman?

"Sorry, ma'am", I looked up at her. "Geez, I should really watch where I'm going, huh?"

"No, it was my fault", she reassured. "Nariko Hayashi, right?"

My eyes widened as to how she knew my name. This village gets weirder and weirder every day, I thought. How did she know my name? Unless... Naruto! That blonde idiot.

"..Uh. How do you know my name?"

She chuckled. "It's my job to know, isn't it? I'm the Hokage."

..The Hokage- ohhh. So she's Tsunade. The medic ninja of the Sanin. I heard a lot of girls look up to her like she's a role model.. I hope Aiko doesn't find out about her.

"Oh- well Mrs. Hokage, I should definitely watch where I'm going next time", I said before walking away to Sasuke's room. I meant that, because I wouldn't want any trouble with a female Hokage. Especially females!

I saw that the door was halfway open.. maybe Tsunade came out of there to check on him too. Sasuke was resting at the moment, so I went over and sat on his bed next to him, feeling his forehead.

"I bet you did your best out there", I whispered softly to him. "And at least you did something extreme.. my team did another D-rank mission for the one billionth time." We only did 10 so far, but it still felt like a lot because that's all I heard my sensei assign us. It sucked.

The raven haired boy began to stir a little before opening his eyes. "N-..Nariko?", he whispered.

"Hey", I greeted with a soft smile. "I'm your first visitor of the day. Hope you don't mind."

"I don't.. mind at all", he sat up and rubbed his eyes a little, his voice sounding all groggily. "Wait, so you're my first visitor? Naruto or Sakura didn't show up?"

"No, I'm the first.. well- the fifth Hokage was the first. She left a few minutes ago to check on you."


I wanted to bring up something.. not about his injuries or his brother, but something else.

"I thought you did great out there during the Chūnin Exams."

He smirked a little. "Heh.. I guess I have a great teacher."

"You do! Mines is great too, but yours just.. ugh- why does he look so hardcore? What's up with that?"

"I don't know, but I like it", he punched my arm playfully. "Don't hate your sensei, okay? I think she's good."

"She's cool." I nodded in agreement.

The Book of Nariko Hayashi | Naruto OCWhere stories live. Discover now