The Infinite Tsukuyomi

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"In any case", Sasuke began. "You all know that Madara's launched the Infinite Tsukuyomi. It's a powerful genjutsu... everyone outside has fallen under its spell. We might be the only ones unaffected."

The blonde frowned. "So then everyone outside is...?"

"Trapped in a dream."

"How long will the jutsu last?" Sakura questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Since it seems to use the moon's light, I'd say it'll last as long as the light does", the Uchiha answered. "I can't speak for everyone else out there, but once the moonlight fades, it should be safe for the five of us to go back outside."


Kurai's Dream...

He was obeyed by every boy in the village due to him being stronger than them all.. oh. And he was with Aiko.

"Oh, my love! You sure do know how to keep me happy!" Aiko exclaimed to the Onizawa.

"You know I do.." He smirked as he thought of something else to make his girlfriend happy. "Honey, would you mind getting that Naruto Uzumaki for me?"

Aiko shook her head quickly before nodding at the boy's request. "I don't mind at all! Let me go get him for you-"

As soon as she said that though, Naruto approached them with a basket full of grapes. He had a nervous smile on his face.

"Lord Kurai!" He exclaimed with that nervous smile on his face, hoping that what he'd done was good. "I uhh.. I thought it was nice to give you a fruit basket, well, not really a fruit basket.. but a grapes basket! Isn't that nice?"

"Of course." Kurai nodded, accepting his gift the blonde approached him with. Naruto handed him the basket of grapes, which he took and had Aiko lean over to him.

Sasuke and Kiba ran over, many boys following them after. The next thing the couple knew was that there were too many boys crowded and surrounding them.

"Lord Kurai! You have to see this new jutsu Akamaru and I came up with!" Kiba exclaimed, with his dog barking in agreement.

"No way.. he has to be taught one of my greatest fire techniques so he can get as strong as me." Sasuke said, thinking that he reason to have Kurai come to him was better.

"If anything of you think that Lord Kurai will accept you..", Neji began. "Then you're wrong! All of you!"

That's when all the boys began to argue, and that made Aiko feel overwhelmed by all the commotion. Kurai then yelled for everyone to stop and to leave him and his girlfriend alone.

"All of you dumbasses get out of here!" He yelled, and that made everyone stop arguing with one another. "Everyone except for Uchiha, Uzumaki, and Inuzuka, leave me and my precious be!"

Everyone, except for the three boys he ordered to remain, left due to them being scared of what the strong Onizawa had in stored.

"Uhh.. is there anything you'd like for me to do, Lord Kurai?!" Naruto asked desperately. "Please, ask me to do anything and I'll do it!"

"Anything..." Kurai repeated. "Okay. Feed me and my precious. Right now, or else you'll suffer the consequences of my fire style techniques."

Naruto began to sweat as he quickly went over to the couple, looking back at Kiba and Sasuke. "And what are they going to do for you, my lord?"

"Them?" He smirked at the two remaining boys before coming up with a conclusion. "Sasuke, you can entertain us while Kiba, you can massage our... feets. They're cramping, so you best hurry."

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