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Kraken and Jinx walked down the hall (well, Jinx hopped).

"Come ON Kraken, hurry up! Or all the good food'll be gone!" Jinx said, pushing him to make him go faster.

"Ok." He said, and sprinted down the hall, leaving Jinx surprised and running after him.

"Kraken!" She said between laughs. "Wait up!"

He turned a corner, and she followed, nearly slamming into him.

"We're here." She heard him say.

"OOH!" She exclaimed, peering over his wing. "Come on, go in!"

He took a step in, and she pushed past him. It was AMAZING. There was animals running around everywhere, and fruit stacked in a corner, and SO MANY DRAGONS IT MADE HER HEAD HURT!

Kraken motioned to her to follow him, and he lead her over to a brown and orange dragonet with blue eyes. She was sitting next to a tan dragon.

"Jinx, this is Miracle," He said, motioning at the orange dragon. "Clay's daughter. And this is Mirage. She's Sunny's daughter."

"Guys, this is Jinx, a rainwing noble."

Jinx jumped in front of them. "Hi. I've met Clay and Sunny, but I never thought for one minute that they had kids, and if Queen Glory could hear how I'm speaking now, I'm sure she'd be like 'Ugh, I taught you all those big words, and you're not even using them'."

She spotted a black dragonet out of the corner of her eye. This one had a dagger and dart gun sheathed on her sides.

"TREEFROG HI!" She screamed, clinging onto the rainwing princess.

"You know her?" Kraken asked as Treefrog greeted her.

"Oh, yeah. One of the reasons nobles were chosen were to marry a royal. To create heirs, more specifically. Buuuutttt since we're the same gender, that won't work. There are a few other options, but me and Treefrog hate them all." Jinx explained.

Skyseller, a nightwing that she and Treefrog hung out with once in a while, padded up, and nudged her.

"Hi Cursecup." He greeted. She at first had hated the nickname, but she didn't mind it now.

Kraken tilted his head. "Cursecup?"

"Well, Jinx means bad luck, which can be a curse, and her sloth is ButterCUP, so Cursecup." Skyseller explained.

"SKYSELLER!" Someone screamed, and a sandwing jogged over.

Skyseller made a motion, and the sandwing nodded.

"Guys, this is Mamba." He said.

Mamba spotted a lizard and pounced, killing it. She watched in disgust as he swallowed it.

"I have to go." She said, feeling sick. Everyone was eating meat, everywhere, and it was DISGUSTING.

"Right now?" Skyseller asked.

"Hey, you feeling alright?" Kraken asked, putting a talon on her shoulder.

No. Her brain thought. "Yes, I'm fine."

She walked towards the exit, knowing that the whole group was staring at her.

She got outside and clutched for the wall, trying to clear the stench of meat from her nose.

Mirage watched curiously as Jinx stumbled outside. She was a little strange, but she had a lot of dragons looking out for her, so...

She turned her attention back to the conversation. Kraken and Miracle were telling the others how they met.

"So I come up to her, and I say intimidatingly, 'Might wanna be more careful with the wildlife around here' and she spins around, and she's obviously frightened, you can tell."

"And she squeaks, 'Who are you?' And I say 'Grandson of Queen Coral, son of Princess Tsunami. You are binded by law to answer me.'"

"And she starts freaking out, like OMG I'M CLAY'S DAUGHTER!"

Miracle interrupted him. "Actually, I think my words were 'THREE MOONS YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS and OHHHH MY GOSH I'M CLAY'S DAUGHTER!"

Author's Note: The winglets are finished! Check them out!

Nightwing- Truthseeker
Rainwing- Jinx
Mudwing- Coypu
Skywing- Gyrfalcon
Sandwing- Eclipse
Icewing- Holly
Seawing- Kraken

Nightwing- Mirage (Her father is a nightwing (guess who)🤫)
Rainwing- Dragonfruit
Mudwing- Miracle
Skywing- Miracle
Sandwing- Mirage
Icewing- Rhinestone
Seawing- Capelin

Nightwing- Skyseller
Rainwing- Anaconda
Mudwing- Landslide
Skywing- Zircon
Sandwing- Mamba
Icewing- Seal
Seawing- Splash

Nightwing- Treefrog
Rainwing- Treefrog
Mudwing- Mudskipper
Skywing- Mallard
Sandwing- Dusk
Icewing- Taiga
Seawing- Shore

Nightwing- Stargazer
Rainwing- Chrysanthemum
Mudwing- Bayou
Skywing- Phoebe
Sandwing- Dawn
Icewing- Snowdrop
Seawing- Siren

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