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"What are we going to do?!" Fatespeaker panicked. "She's gonna find out, which means SKYSELLER'S gonna find out, which means TOTAL APOCALYPSE!"

"We have to lie. Say we miscalculated." Starflight offered.

"Starflight, we can't lie to her anymore. If she wants to know, we have to tell her." Sunny insisted.

"But we could tell her a lie?" He tried again.

"No. I'm not lying to my daughter about her bloodline."


Mirage paused, her sandwing ears picking up sound.

She snuck over to the nearest cave entrance and listened.

"No. I'm not lying to my daughter about her bloodline."

That was Sunny. Mirage crept closer.

"She has more nightwing than she thinks she does, so why don't we tell her it's because you have nightwing blood, Sunny?" Fatespeaker offered.

"No, that isn't believable. I'm just going to tell her. It can't be that hard. I just say, Hey, Starflight's your father."

Mirage's eyes widened and she ran off to find Skyseller.

"SKYSELLER!" She screeched, bursting into his cave.

"What?" He asked, as Mamba looked at them curiously.

"Starflight... is.... my dad..." She said between breaths.

"WHAT?!" He exploded.

"Yeah... crazy right? We're SIBLINGS!"


Skyseller could not believe it.

Sure, he was excited that the sandwing standing before him was his sister, but he had also kind of... liked her.

And now, he wasn't sure which feeling was alright. The feeling of responsibility over his sister, or... the other feeling.

He faked a smile, and walked back to his bed. "How'd you find out?"

"My EXCELLENT hearing worked its magic."



"Hi." A dark red skywing greeted as they sat down next to her in what Jinx now called The Fruit Center. "My name's Phoebe, Jade Winglet."

"Jinx, Copper Winglet."

"So, who's the seawing over there?" Phoebe pointed to Kraken.

"Oh, my friend Kraken."

"And he left you to sit alone while he talks to other friends?"

"Well, no I-"

"He doesn't sound like a very good friend."

"But he is!" Jinx stood up for Kraken. "He just has other-"

"Other friends? Ones more important to him than you are?"

"No! It's not like that, he doesn't favor any of us!" She cried.

"He's probably laughing at you right now, the jerk."

At that, Jinx fell silent. Would he? No, no, he wouldn't. Wouldn't he?

"You can stick with me, if you want. I won't let him see you hurt." Phoebe offered.

"Hey, Jinx, come on over!" Kraken yelled from the other side of the cave.

Instead, she left the Prey Center.


"Is something going on with Jinx that I don't know about?" Miracle asked.

"No. She was fine earlier. I don't see what's wrong." Kraken explained as he watched Jinx stalk out of the Prey Center.

"Well, go after her!" Treefrog encouraged.

Kraken nodded and stood up, walking quickly to where Jinx had left at.

A skywing blocked his way. "She doesn't want to talk to you. Go back to your other friends and sulk."

Angrily, he pushed past her. "I don't know WHAT you did to Jinx, but leave her ALONE!"

The skywing actually SMIRKED, making him angrier. "No, I'm not going to leave her alone like you did."

"She CHOSE to sit in the corner, you SMOKE FOR BRAIN!"

"You should've went with her. No wonder she's angry at you."


Treefrog darted in, holding him back and stabbing the skywing with a sleeping dart.

"That's ASSAULT!" The skywing screeched as they fell down.

"Go, Kraken! Go see what's wrong!"

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