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"Are you sure you don't want us to fly you once you get there?" Blue asked. "How else will you get to the school?"

"I'll make it." She smiled, and grabbed her bag. "Hugs." She said, and hugged both of her parents.

"Bye-bye!" They said, and she stepped onto the vine.

She was a fourth of the way across when Cranefly appeared. "AH! Warn someone!" She yelled at him.

"I can fly you when you get to Pyrrhia." He offered, ignoring her remark.

"No, I'm doing this to get AWAY from you."

"I have no where to be. I'm supposed to watch over you. Going with."

"You're so frustrating." She hissed at him.

"And you're my responsibility. So you're stuck with me." He snickered.

"BELIONTA!" She heard someone yell, and Sunburst ran up to her. "I've been- running for so... long- trying to catch up to... you." She panted.

"And you didn't fall off?" Belionta asked. "I guess you're not that accident prone."

"Har har." Sunburst said.

"Wait, if you're here, where's Glade?" Cranefly muttered. Sunburst turned her head like she had just seen him (which she probably had), and screamed.

"HOW DID HE JUST APPEAR!?" She screeched, stumbling backwards.

"RELAX! This is Cranefly, the creepy stalker ghost dragon." Belionta explained.

"I really hate being referred to as that." Cranefly gritted his teeth.


"Neither am I. Wings, remember?" Belionta reminded her.

"KILL IT!" She screamed.

"He's DEAD. Already killed."


"OH FOR CLEARSIGHT'S SAKE!" Cranefly yelled, pulling a dagger out of his pocket. He stabbed it into himself, and looked pointedly at Sunburst.

"Uhh... Cranefly? Your eyes are bleeding." Belionta said quickly.


"Your eyes are bleeding. There's blood seeking from them." She repeated.

He reached up and touched the blood. "Shoot." He said, and turned away.


The icewing ghost yawned, stretching. She looked around the yard, and Sunburst was nowhere to be found. She did a quick search of the house, but nothing.

"Shoot." She hissed. She launched herself down through the ground to the underworld and shoved herself into the orb room. "Sunburst, Sunburst... What is she doing near CRANEFLY?!" She yelled, pulling Sunburst's orb down.

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