Two New Sisters

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She and her twin sister stumbled out into the main room, where their mother, Time, queen of the afterlifes, sat waiting for them, a black and green nightwing next to her.

"Mother." She said, bowing. "What brings you here?"

"I have brought you a new sister. Her name is Decise, and she will balance out the arguing." She gestured to the dragon next to her.

"Welcome, Princess Decise." She smiled faintly at her little sister.

"How exactly does she balance us out?" Destiny asked.

"Glad you asked." Decise smiled and hopped to her feet. "If there's someone on Death's door, I can revive them and give them to Destiny. If someone's life is too great, I give them to Death."

Both sisters stared at her.

"Mother," Destiny asked. "Do you not believe we're doing our jobs?"


"Mom can we PLEASE go, we want to see the vines at the Sand Kingdom!" He begged Tsunami.

"That's a long while away." She pointed out.

"Can we get dad to come with?!" He tried again.

Tsunami paused. "I'll ask him. For now, it's a no."

Kraken frowned. "Ask him right away!"

"Hey, I don't have all the free time in the world either."

"BUT HE'S YOUR HUSBAND! Don't you have a psychic connection with him or something?!" He exclaimed.

"No, where'd you hear that?"


Tsunami facetaloned.


"No, I don't wanna practice my leafspeak right now. I want to get to Pyrrhia."

Bumblebee tapped her claws, thinking. "Then let's GO to Pyrrhia." She smiled.

"What do you mean?" He responded.

"Come on! We have wings! We know how to use them!" She continued to say.

"It's not that easy to get there, Bumblebee. Plus, we'd be in SO much trouble. And we're supposed to stay in my family's sight."

"Would you prefer running across the vines most of the way and THEN flying?" Bumblebee asked.

"Yes but-"

"LET'S GO!" She yelled, and dragged him out.

"BUMBLEBEE!" He screamed.

They got ready near the vines. "Ready. Three, two, one,-"

"I don't wanna do this." He begged.

"Then I'm DRAGONNAPPING YOU!" She threw him across her back and ran towards the vine.


"Hey, stop!" He heard leafwings yell at them.


She had to admit, seeing Bumblebee running onto the bridge with Sundew's adopted son on her back was NOT what she'd expected to see today.

Unfortunately, she couldn't leave her post to stop them. This bridge needed as much help as possible.

Willow, however, could.

"Willow! Dragonets on the bridge!" She yelled, and the leafwing looked over.

"Oh shoot." Willow said, and ran after them.


"Enjoying the ride?" She asked Eucalyptus as she ran.

"Not at all." He replied. In fact, if she looked closer, he DID look greener than usual.

"KIDS!" Someone shouted. She turned slightly, and waved. "Hi Willow!" She yelled. "Just going to Pyrrhia!"

And then she was off again.

"You're the weirdest dragon on Pantala." Eucalyptus muttered. "And she's still following us."

The bridge cut off, and Bumblebee stopped for a minute, Eucalyptus sliding off her back.

She smiled and looked at him.

"No, no, whatever you're planning, NO, Bumblebee!" He said as she approached him.

"Don't panic. I'm gonna fly you across." She smiled, and helped him up.

Then she pushed him off the edge.

She dove down herself, and caught him. "I got ya. Pyrrhia here we come!"


She was out gathering fruit for when the egg hatched. Which she was SUPER pleased about, by the way.

There was a twitch in the trees, and she set the basket down.

She reached instinctively for her dagger, and was knocked to the ground, hard.

A nightwing stared down at her for a few seconds, and then dodged back into the trees.

Oh, it's ON. Treefrog thought as she got to her feet.

She leapt into the trees and glided after the nightwing, who was extremely fast.

The nightwing GIGGLED at her, and kept going.

Treefrog went faster, now determined to catch this dragon.

She went stealth, disappearing completely.

The nightwing paused as Treefrog crept closer.

They raised their snout in the air. "CONCENTRATED SLOTH BRAINS!" They screamed, and Treefrog’s scales went gold.

"Gotcha!" The nightwing giggled, pushing her out of the tree.

"Ok, ok, you got me, but why'd you hit me in the first place." She asked from the ground.

"I thought you were a rainwing. Which, I was right, by the way, so take that mother, I'm a GREAT observer!" The nightwing said, helping her up. "I'm Heartstopper, by the way."

"I'm Treefrog. And why would you hit a rainwing?"

"My uh... mother doesn't necessarily like them. So, Treefrog, you're pretty fast and stealthy. Who trained you?"

"King Deathbringer, of the nightwings and rainwings." She answered.

Heartstopper froze, looking petrified. "Oh God." She whispered. She looked up, as if she was searching. Seeing nothing, she turned her attention back to Treefrog. "Oh this is bad... You need to get out of here."

"Why?" She asked. "I want to talk to you some more."

"Nope, you gotta leave now." Heartstopper insisted, pushing her into the bushes. "We're too close to my home."

"That makes zero sense." Treefrog stated.

"Tell you what, meet me at that weird tunnel tomorrow and I'll explain everything."

"Okay?" She offered in reply.

Heartstopper nodded and dove away. Treefrog smiled. She didn't have to go to school tomorrow anymore. She could just call it royal business of extreme importance. And technically, it was! She was intrigued now.

When she finally found her basket, it was nearly dusk. She got home quick as possible, and sat expectantly in front of the egg.

Little cracks indicated it was almost ready.

After about ten minutes, she was getting bored. She wrapped her claws around it, and it shattered, revealing a dark purple rainwing with a sunset painted on her wings.

"TADA!" She yelled, and her parents rushed into the room. "She will be named Firefly!"

"Why?" Glory asked.

"WHY?! Doesn't she look like a little firefly?!"

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