When Everything Had Been Perfect...

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Holly blocked her way. Her only exit, only way to escape Kraken.

Her only way to take Phoebe up on her offer.

She felt Kraken reach out for her and grab her talons.

She allowed herself to be turned around, facing him.

He couldn't see her, she knew that, but his pained expression made it seem like he could.

She lowered her head to block him from her view.

"Jinx," He spoke softly, almost as if he was afraid she would bolt from the room if he spoke loudly. "Let's figure it out. Treefrog is handling Phoebe, so we have some free time to talk."

She faded her scales in slowly, and raised her head. "Bring me Buttercup." She requested. "And then we'll talk."

He nodded and quickly snatched Buttercup from the hammock.

She placed the sloth on her head and sat down. "So HOW exactly is Treefrog 'handling' Phoebe?"

"Well, um... she kind of stabbed her? With a sleeping dart, of course." He added when he saw Jinx's face.

"Three moons, you mean dragons." She muttered.

"You were the one who spat venom at me!" He countered.

"I did NO SUCH THING!" She announced dramatically.

He smiled.


She needed some air.

The cave was crowded, so she slipped quietly outside.

And came face to face with her best friend in the world.

"DINGO?!" She screamed in surprise, almost falling over. Dingo dove under her wing and caught her. "What are you doing here?!" She asked weakly.

"Well, Sunny said I could camp out here for the school year. My parents were against it at first, but I convinced them." He explained.

"You're camping here?" She scanned for any shelter looking things, and saw none.

"My camp's over behind those rocks." He said, as if reading her mind. "Wanna go check it out?"

"First come meet my friends!"

They rushed in the school and Mirage spread her wings, hiding Dingo, and cleared her throat.

They all looked up at her, well, minus Kraken and Jinx.

"Presenting, my best friend, DINGO!" She announced, moving aside.

"Hello." He said.


Skyseller frowned. He didn't like the look on Dingo's face. He didn't like the way Mirage was staring at him.

And he didn't like how that wasn't just his protective brother side.

"Oh, Mirage. We have to go talk to Sunny and Starflight." He offered.

Mirage padded up to him, and nodded. "By the way, Dingo, this is my brother, Skyseller."

They left Dingo to his freaking out, and searched for their father and mothers.

They found the three of them panicking in the library.

"Starflight! Will you tell me now?" Mirage called out.

Starflight looked deathly afraid.

"It's because you're-"

"Part nightwing, I know. Me and Skyseller both know."

"Just when everything had been perfect..." Fatespeaker murmured.


"Has the weapon been prepared yet?" Deathbringer walked in, and peered over her shoulder at it.

"Deathbringer! Our child is not a weapon, and will never BE a weapon!" Glory snapped.

She set the letter down and picked up her egg.

"You said the same thing about Treefrog, you know." Deathbringer reminded her.

"THIS ONE is different!" She shot back at him.

"If you say so!" He sung playfully.

"You are the BANE of my EXISTENCE." Glory laughed.

"Really? To me, love of my life fits better." He wrapped a wing around her.

"How can an assassin be so sentimental?" She shook her head.

"I don't know. But what I DO know is..." He snatched the letter off her desk. "I get to deliver it!"


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