Oh No...

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She was horrified with herself. What have I done?! She thought as Phoebe hit the ground screeching.

"QUICK!" Someone shouted, and she saw another rainwing spit venom on a fruit she grabbed. She offered it to Jinx, who recognized the tactic, and spit venom on it too.

Nothing stopped. Some of the mudwings were trying to bring her to the lakes as the rainwings did venom tests quickly.

"ENOUGH!" She yelled, and everyone went silent, except for Phoebe. "Rainwings, anything on venom tests?" She asked quickly.

They shook their heads.

"You, go get a teacher," She pointed to a seawing, who ran out quickly. "Everyone, avoid touching her face, but we're going go get her to the lakes."

Miracle smiled at her encouragingly, and lifted Phoebe's neck off the ground.

Quickly, the rest of them joined and they rushed her to the lake.

They set her in it, and Jinx quickly crowded around her, pushing the wound under, and swiping gently at it with her claws.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die." She prayed to Phoebe.


"NO!!!" She heard Death scream from the orb room. She rushed in, expecting something horrible, like all the orbs shattering, but instead found her sister tapping an orb with tears in her eyes.

Destiny hurried over and pulled her sister into a hug. "What's wrong?" She asked softly.

"Phoebe's dying, she CANNOT die, she'll be down here with us, and whatever big fate you have planned for her won't work!!!" Her sister sobbed.

Destiny took Death by the shoulders and shook her. "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" She yelled at her.

Death nodded and tears fell on her scales.

"DECISE GET IN HERE NOW!" Destiny screamed, and the youngest sister came crashing in.

"WHAT IS IT?!" Decise panicked.

She shoved the orb in her face, and Decise screamed.


They grabbed each other's talons, and focused on the orb, sending energy to Phoebe.


Mirage had convinced him to go see Dingo's camp spot.

"He's SUPER nice, trust me." She kept telling him.

Skyseller didn't care if he was the nicest dragon in the world, everyone had their flaws!

And for Dingo's sake, his flaws better never get Mirage hurt.

"Mirage!" The sandwing called out. "This is your brother, right?"

"Skyseller." He said, smiling and shaking Dingo's talon.

"Dingo." The sandwing answered.

Maybe this won't be TOO bad...

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