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She was hanging by her tail from a tree, eating a mango. She nodded eagerly to the nightwing below her. Heartstopper sighed, sniffing another mango.

When Treefrog’s eagerness for her to eat it didn't stop, she took a bite.

And chewed...

Her eyes lit up...

And she swallowed.

"This is really good!" She exclaimed, and Treefrog hopped down.

"Right? What should we try next- Ooh, you need to have a watermelon!"

"TREEFROG!" She recognized her father's call. She was wanted back at the hut.

She waved at Heartstopper and dove into the trees, gliding to the hut.

"Yeah dad?" She asked, walking into the hut.

"You have to go back to school. We can't keep you here forever, reluctantly." Deathbringer told her.

"WHEN?!" She asked, really hoping she'd be able to say goodbye to Heartstopper.

Deathbringer blinked. "Tonight, I guess." He replied, confused by the question.

"Thanks dad, love you dad, gotta go dad!" She yelled, flying back towards where Heartstopper was.


He tilted his head, watching his daughter fly eagerly away.

Glory came out. "You think she's got a boyfriend." She guessed.

"Yes..." He replied sheepishly.

"And you're going to go kill him right now." She also guessed.

He cracked his knuckles, smiling. "Yes." He dove through the trees after her.


Jinx talked the whole way back, informing Eucalyptus and Bumblebee about the school.

Once, Eucalyptus asked how she knew all this. Wrong question.

"She's top of our biology class." Miracle had inputted.

"And I don't even like hurting animals!" Jinx added. "Wait, are you vege-whatever it's called?"

"She's asking if you're vegetarian." Miracle translated.

"No." Eucalyptus answered, looking back at Willow.

"Aw, dang it!" Jinx cried out.

Miracle nudged her. "I'll be vegetarian with you, Jinx." Jinx smiled and Kraken gave Miracle a thumbs-up, which she returned.

"Hey kids." Riptide said. "How about the five of you race?"

"Sure! Three, two, one, GO!" Jinx yelled.

Miracle launched towards the school, immediately winning first place. "NO FAIR!" She heard someone call from behind her.

She rolled onto the rock and was immediately pounced on by a familiar sandwing/nightwing.

"MIRACLE!" Mirage exclaimed. "NEVER leave again, no, listen to me- Miracle!" She yelled when Miracle rolled her eyes.

"Glad to see you as well." Miracle offered.

The others landed and Mirage froze.

"We need to hide Jinx." She said, scrambling off of Miracle.

"Why?" Jinx asked.

"Tsunami is looking for you."

Kraken nodded. "Yep, we need to hide her."

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