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"Belionta!" Cricket called, and the dragonet came running.

"Yes mother?" She asked.

"You're going to school... in Pyrrhia!" Her mother told her.

Belionta's snout paled. "WHAT?!"

"Yeah! Go get packed!"

Belionta nodded meekly and ran to her room, where she grabbed a bag and threw it against the wall, enraged.

"What's up?" She turned and Cranefly was sitting on her bed.

"My parents are making me go to school." She grumbled.

"That's not so bad." Cranefly promised her.

"In PYRRHIA!" She yelled.

"Oh. Kinda bad."

"You think?!" She growled, frustrated, then sighed. "At least I'll get away from you."

Cranefly laughed. "What, you think I'm tied to Pantala or something? I'm going with you."



"Sunburst, how would you feel about going to that public school in Pyrrhia?" Swordtail asked.

"I can't fly." She said to him.

"There's a bridge you can go across." Luna supplied.

"Ok then. I wanna go. How long is it?"

"The whole year. But you start late." Swordtail told her.

Sunburst's eyes widened. "What!?"


"Well, since you two were going to JMA anyways, and these three have to go back, why don't you come with?" The seawing, Riptide, asked.

"GREAT idea!" The purple one yelled. She grabbed Bumblebee and his talons. "Would you like go come back with us?"

No. "I haven't packed or anything." He said, looking desperately towards Willow. Save me. He pleaded in his head.

"I also think it's a great idea." Willow, to his dismay, said.



"Hey. How was class?" He bumped Mirage softly as they walked back outside.

"Boring, as usual. Jinx apparently attacked someone."

"I'm not even going to ask." He replied.

"Hey guys!" Dingo called. He wasn't SO bad. Oddly, they bonded over finding firewood.

"Hey Dingo." He replied, sitting in the camp.

"Did you realize yet that all of our friends have left the school, Skyseller?" Mirage asked.

"No... I hadn't."

"Well, they did." Mirage said shortly.

Ok... she's not feeling like talking today.

"So, Dingo, I have a clawmate you might know. His name's Mamba."

Dingo shook his head. "Don't think so."

Ok, conversation failed.

"Um... wanna go get something to eat?" Dingo asked.

"Sure." He replied, and Mirage shook her head.

The two boys stepped into the Prey Center, and Tsunami marched up to them. "Where. Is. JINX." She growled.

"Gone?" He said, confused. "Oh, is this about her attacking someone?"

"You BET it is." She barked, and shook her head. "Why can't anything go right in this school..." She muttered.

"No idea." He quickly shut up when Tsunami glared at him.

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