Guess Who's Here!

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She walked into the orb room, where she and Death could view everyone in the world.

Placing Belionta's orb back on the shelf, she caught her sister looking attentively into what she thought was a dragonet's orb.

"Death," She began, stepping towards her.

"Yes?" Her demon sister replied, spinning the orb on her claw.

"What are you doing with that orb?" She asked.

"Trying to figure out the most effective way to kill... someone." Death answered.

"And who is someone?" Destiny pried.

"Welllll... Jinx." Death smiled.

"NO!" She launched herself at Death, who threw the orb safely up high, and tackled her to the ground.

"I- told you, the dragonets are MINE." She hissed.

Death scratched her face. "And I told YOU, not for much LONGER. So...It's my turn!" She panted, and threw herself upwards towards the orb.

"NOT TODAY!" Destiny screamed and jumped past her, grabbing the orb and landing on a ledge.

Death grabbed her leg and held on tight. "Give me the orb Destiny!" She yelled, reaching for it. "You always get more toys, so I DESERVE this!"

"NO! Go take Phoebe!" She growled.

"But I don't want-" They were interrupted by one of Death's favorite toys, Gill, knocking on the door lightly.

"Time, of the royal afterlifes, has arrived." He told them.

Death dropped down in confusion, Destiny following her.

"Mother's here?" Destiny asked. "She didn't tell us she was coming."


"So, anything you'd like to know? Or tell us?" She asked.

"We want you to know that Starflight wasn't cheating on me. It was before we got married. And I hold no grudges." Fatespeaker said.

"Oh, and guess what mom! Dingo's here!" She exclaimed.

Only she and Sunny caught Starflight's low growl.


"Guys, come look at this." Jinx called them.

She and Kraken peeked outside with her, and faintly saw giant green stuff on the bank of the Sand Kingdom. "Are those... plants?"


"So, how'd she take it?" She asked Deathbringer.

"Ask her yourself!" He said, and Treefrog stepped into the hut.

"DEATHBRINGER! You stole our daughter from the school?!"

"Would you believe me if I said no?" He asked.

"Not at all." She replied.

"Then yes, I did."

Glory facetaloned and Treefrog threw herself into her mother's arms. "Show me the egg." She demanded.

Glory looked over at Deathbringer, who nodded repeatedly.

"Fine." She said, and Deathbringer brought it out.

It was a decent sized egg, silver, with swirls of orange.

"It's SO pretty." Treefrog declared. "Any name ideas yet?"

"Well, you should name them. It's uh... hatching tonight." Deathbringer smiled awkwardly.


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