Stop Following Me!

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She woke up when sounds echoed in her ears.

"Belionta. You have to wake up now." Someone whispered to her.

She opened her eyes and saw Cranefly staring at her.

She leapt up and backed away. "Stop following me!" She screamed, and ran.

She saw the light coming from outside the forest and ran for it. Cranefly matched her pace no matter how fast she was.

"You stupid exasperating ghost dragon!" She yelled at him.

He stopped, and she didn't, barrelling through her door.


He watched from the sidelines as the row of leafspeakers lined up on Pantala's coast.

Bumblebee noticed him pouting and tugged lightly on his tail.

When he looked over, she motioned for him to follow her.

"Quickly." She said, ducking into a hollowed out tree. He followed. "I made this base for us." She said, showing him around the enormous space.

'It's amazing, Bumblebee." He looked around at everything.

He heard someone shout 'start' and felt the vines growing. He could hear them whispering softly.

"It's started." He told Bumblebee.

Bumblebee tapped her chin, and her eyes widened. "Practice your leafspeak!"

He looked around. "In here?"

"NO, not in here! Out there!"


"Dad." She said seriously. "Pass me... the HONEY DROPS."

He threw them to her, and they landed on her tail.


"Eat your honey drops." Swordtail said impatiently.

"Okay!" She took one out of the bag, and froze as Luna walked in. She dove behind a weaving her mother had made, hiding the homemade honey drops.

Luna lifted the weaving and took the bag from her.

"Caught ya!" She said, tickling Sunburst.


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