A Visit To The Afterlife (re-written version)

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(Just went under a HUGE edit)


He walked down the halls, alone, not doing much.

"Kraken." Someone said. He looked beside him, and saw Jinx.

"Oh. Hey Jinx." He said, and continued walking.

"Kraken." She tried again.

He stopped. "What?"

"Look me in the eyeballs." She said.

He did, and she leaned forward a little...

And booped him on the snout. She burst into a fit of giggles and ran off, leaving a very confused Kraken.

A dizziness came over him, and his vision blurred. Trying to regain his footing, he stepped forward, and collapsed. Standing back up, his limbs felt weak.

Everything went black, and he heard someone shout his name.

There were voices. Arguing. Two of them, shouting at each other.

"Stick in your lane, Destiny!" One shouted.

"MY lane? Kraken IS in my lane! And now you've brought his self-conscious down here! Do you KNOW how hard it is to get a self-conscious back in its body?!" The other one shouted back.

"Let me handle this!" The first voice said.

The other one, Destiny, he was assuming, growled. "You have an hour. If I come back and he's dead, I'll make sure you never play with anyone's strings again."

"Yes, yes, you'll banish me and replace me, I KNOW."

I have to wake up.

He forced himself to open his eyes, and was pulled to his feet when he did.

"Hello Kraken." What he was assuming was a nightwing was in front of him. "I'm Death." She said it so cheerfully, like asking how someone's day was going.

"How do you know my name? Where am I?" He asked, slightly panicked.

"Let me show you." She smiled and many pairs of eyes opened behind her.

He took a step back.

The pairs of eyes, which he now recognized as dragons, surrounded him.

"This is the underworld." She explained. "We've got everyone here. Queen Scarlet, Burn, Blister, Queen Firestorm, Queen Oasis, anyone dead."

He thought about his dead grandfather and grandmother.

"We've got them too." Death said, and snapping her talons, her posse of dragons grabbed him and led him down a hall. "Well, here he is." She said, looking into a room labeled Gill.

He peeked in as well, and a green seawing was in the room.

The seawing turned and beamed at his grandson. "Shoo, shoo." He told the dragons, who stepped back. "Hello Kraken. I'm Gill, Queen Coral's husband."

"Hello. Where are we exactly?" Kraken whispered to him.

"The underworld. Wait... you're DEAD?! Oh no, this is bad it's not your time yet!" He panicked.

"Gill, deep breathes." Death interrupted. 'We're working on getting him back to his original state. He was a tad unstable when he arrived." She whispered to Kraken.

"May I lead my grandson to his other grandmother?" Gill asked politely.

"Of course. Make sure no one eats him." She told him, and seeing Kraken's expression, shook her head. "Kidding of course."

He led Kraken down the hall and stopped at a door labeled Bream. They had a long discussion with each other, and then they moved on.

"Is there anyone else you want to see?" Gill asked.

"Death said you have Queen Scarlet..." Kraken suggested cautiously.

"Are you sure you want to see her?" Gill asked.


He led Kraken down a different hall, to a door labeled Scarlet.

"Seawing." She hissed. "Lovely to see you again. How's that nightmare school going for you?"

Kraken looked to his grandfather, confused.

"She thinks you're your mother." He explained.

"Lovely to see you again!" She yelled, and leapt for the door, only to be hit with it as Gill pushed it shut.

"Breathe, Scarlet, breathe." He replied her. "She's been deemed unsafe. We keep her mostly locked up. She couldn't do anything to us but to someone like you, she could definitely add some damage."

Kraken nodded. Gill locked Scarlet's cage.

"Don't tell me to breathe!" She snapped. "I was a Queen. You're on my kill list now, seawing!"

"Luckily, I don't have to listen to her anymore. There's only one Queen in this place." Gill told Kraken as they kept walking.

"Who? Death or that other one? Destiny, I think was her name?" He asked.

"No. No, they only rule this town. The real ruler is Queen Time." He pointed to a painting of a white dragon not belonging to any tribe.

"Oh." He replied absently.

"Anyone else?" Gill asked.

"No, no I don't think so." He replied.

"Good. Because time's almost done." Death appeared so suddenly that she could have teleported. Maybe she had.

"And time for you to go back." Another one appeared next to her.

Gill shook his talon. "Nice to meet you. Oh, and no offense but don't come back."

Kraken nodded and closed his eyes, feeling lighter.

And he was home.

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