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Treefrog, Skyseller, and all four parents landed in the courtyard. "THREE MOONS I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE HERE!" Skyseller screeched.

A mudwing, skywing and a small dragon landed further away. "Clay!" Glory called.

The mudwing swiveled his head, and ran towards them. "GLORY!!! STARFLIGHT!!!"

Clay stopped in front of them. "What's your names?" He asked, peering down towards Skyseller and Treefrog.

"This is Treefrog, my daughter, and Skyseller, Starflight's son." Glory introduced.

"Miracle!" Clay called, and the small dragon ran over to them.

"Yeah dad?"

"This is Treefrog and Skyseller." Clay said.


Other dragons started arriving around them.

"KRAKEN!" Miracle screamed, and ran over to a dark blue dragonet.

He gave her a hug, and she pulled him over to them.

"This is Kraken, Tsunami's son. Kraken, this is Treefrog and Skyseller."

Kraken waved.

Behind them, a bright yellow sandwing landed. She shushed her daughter, and ran full speed at the group, which consisted of Clay, Starflight, Glory, Tsunami, Riptide, Deathbringer, Fatespeaker, and the kids, and jumped onto them happily.

"SUNNY!" Clay roared, wrapping her in a hug.

"CLAY!" She responded.

Mirage padded over, and grabbed Miracle's talons. "HI! I'm Mirage! What's your name?"

"Miracle." She responded. "And this is Treefrog, Skyseller, and Kraken."

"MOM! You never told me your friends kids would be coming! Now I have friends to hang out with! Because Dingo isn't coming." She mumbled the last sentence.

"It's not Dingo's fault, ok?" Sunny reassured her.

"Come on, let's go find our caves and stuff." Treefrog said, pulling Skyseller forward.

"Oh!" Fatespeaker said, pulling scrolls out of her bag. "I have them right here. Let's see... Skyseller, you're in the Gold Winglet. Treefrog... you have the Quartz. Miracle is Silver Winglet, along with Mirage... and Kraken has the Copper."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Mirage yelled, jumping up and down.

FINALLY, after a WHOLE BUNCH of searching, they found their caves.

"Bye guys!" Kraken yelled after them.

Immediately, Kraken jumped into the little pool. This was his bed! Sinking comfortably in it, he noticed a pair of eyes, floating in space.

He screamed, and a purple and gold rainwing faded into view.

Slowly, the rainwing moved to the hammock, and took a sloth out of it, placing it on her back. "Hello." She said. "I am Jinx. And this is Buttercup." She added, pointing to the sloth.

"My name's Kraken." He said, recovering from his scream. "Cute sloth."

"Please, do not eat her. That is my only request." Jinx said.

"Ew! Dragons eat sloths?" He asked in disgust.

"Yea- Yes, certain ones do. Such monsters. I am not looking forward to sharing a winglet with one of them." She said.

"Why are you speaking so weird?" He asked curiously.

Jinx looked offended. "This is not weird!" She screeched, and recovering herself, added, "This is SOPHISTICATED." She spoke the word delicately, lifting her head high.

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