Life On Pantala

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"I CAN TOTALLY HELP!" He begged his mothers, Sundew and Willow. "I'm a leafspeak, just like you, so WHY CAN'T I HELP YOU?!"

"Because, you're very young. As much as it would be appreciated, the older dragons can do this fine on their own." Willow explained.

"FATHER thinks I can do it. He believes in me." Eucalyptus pouted.

Sundew winced. "I don't see why you keep calling him that. He hasn't been a father figure to you ever."

"Yes he has!" He argued. "Now please, let me help you!!!"

"No. And that's all we'll hear of this from now on." Sundew said sternly.

He hung his head and Bumblebee flew next to him, her scales shining in the light.

"Hey, at least we get to go to that school!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I don't get to be helpful." He whispered.

"Stop looking sad." She ordered him. "No, stop it, right now, Eucalyptus!" She hit his tail with her own. "Snudoo is doing this because she loves you." She reminded him.

"6 years old and you still call her that."

"Three years old and still pouts." She tsked.

"My pouting is for a GOOD REASON." He argued.

She looked at him skeptically. "Mm-hm. So, school! Yay, fun, except I have to be around TSUNAMI, so BLEH."

"You make her sound evil." He giggled.

"She IS evil!"


An orange and green pastel silkwing stumbled out of a room and collapsed onto their parents bed.

"Moommmm." She whined. "I'm tireeddddddd."

Luna lifted her head. "Sunburst, then maybe you should go back to bed."

"NO MORE SLEEPING!" Sunburst yelled. "I want Aunt Cricket's thing that makes me wake up!"

Swordtail stifled a laugh. "Trust me, you don't. I felt SO TIRED afterwards."

"But it's WORTH IT, right dad?" She tried.

"Not really." Replied Swordtail.

"Ughhh..." She rolled off the bed and onto the floor, dragging herself out of the room. "I wanna go see Aunt Io and her rebellion... Maybe she can get me some sleeping stuff."


"Danaid!" The blue and gold silkwing/hivewing cried as she threw herself into her godmother's arms.

"Oof." The silkwing exclaimed. "So nice to see you dear."

"Burnet!" Belionta shouted, turning to her three grandmothers and one grandfather. "Silverspot, Katydid! Malachite!" She hugged each of them and backed up.

"Where's Grandpa Admiral?" She asked.

Daniad snorted. "Still hasn't grown up enough to see his granddaughter." Behind her, Silverspot and Burnet nodded.

"Well, in that case, Daddy's in the study with Mommy."

The elders nodded and crept into the study.

Belionta snuck outside and stretched her wings. They might be crippled, but they sure get tired.

Her wings had been quite... torn between sides when she hatched.

They weren't sure whether to wait until she was six or hatch with them.

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