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He stormed in shortly after Jinx did, and looked at Holly for a clue.

She pointed to Jinx's hammock, mouthing the words 'Be careful.'

He nodded and crept slowly towards the hammock.

"Go AWAY." Jinx's usually friendly voice sounded angry and hurt.

"Jinx, can't we talk about this? Tell me what happened. What did the skywing do to you?"

"Phoebe told me the TRUTH. What you talk about with Mirage and Miracle and Treefrog. How you make fun of me to everyone. You and Treefrog really hurt my feelings."

"We weren't talking about you. And if we were, it'd be about how amazing and funny and-" He cut himself off before he could say adorable.

"And what? Stupid? Weird? Crazy?"

"I love your craziness. It's what makes you, you." Kraken reassured her.

A splat of venom whizzed by him, hitting the wall, where it sizzled.

"I said, go AWAY." Jinx appeared, tears streaking her eyes.

Kraken took a step back, surprised by her use of venom. Jinx's face hardened and she started turning invisible.

"No, Jinx wait!" He called, reaching out for her. He grabbed her talons and she pulled away roughly, disappearing completely.

Holly jumped to the entrance and spread her wings, blocking Jinx from leaving.

"I'm not having two bickering clawmates." She said firmly. "Now figure it out."

"Get out of the way Holly." Jinx's voice sounded.

"No thank you, I'm fine."


"It wasn't THAT bad." Treefrog argued. "Besides, I was helping YOUR son."

Tsunami stood before her, looking unimpressed.

"You can not attack other students." She said firmly.

"Phoebe is awful." A skywing walked up. "She could die, and not a soul would miss her. Not anyone."

"Yeah! Phoebe is manipulative and evil!" Another skywing butted in.

"Literally no one likes her. So she preys on weaker targets, like that rainwing she was with earlier."

"And I think she was very brave." Taiga said, bumping Treefrog lightly.

"Definitely." Another skywing supplied. "I'm in Jinx's winglet, and if Phoebe didn't do something, than I don't know WHAT happened."

Treefrog stared defiantly at Tsunami. "We all think what I did is right. So what do YOU think?"

Tsunami sighed. "Fine. And by the way," She said whispering to Treefrog. "I would've done the same."

"Thank you. Now, who wants to go with me to confront Jinx, and who wants to bury Phoebe?"

All the skywings said simultaneously, "Bury Phoebe."

At that time, Phoebe came to. "Oh, great, she's alive." Treefrog said grumpily.



Miracle and Treefrog padded over after telling a bunch of skywings to go bury someone. "What is it?"

Mirage peered around. "Where's Jinx and Kraken?"

"Uhm, issues." Miracle offered.

"Ok... anyways, guess what!" Skyseller said.

"What?" Treefrog asked.

"WE'RE SIBLINGSSSS!!" Mirage and Skyseller sung.

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