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At the ruins of the Summer Palace
Tsunami and Riptide sat tails entwined, watching their little egg hatch. Cracks had already appeared all over the egg, giving hints that it was trying.

A few minutes passed, and a little dark blue dragonet burst out of the egg. Tsunami lifted the squawking dragonet in her palm, and held him in front of them both.

"We'll name him Kraken." She said proudly.

"Wow, Tsunami, that's a really poetic name." Riptide said in surprise.

She rolled her eyes. "Because poetic is what I was going for."

In the rainforest

Two couples sat on the Queen's sun time platform. One, being the queen and her husband, the others, being two nightwings, Starflight and Fatespeaker. They were all watching two eggs, one black as night, and the other, a black and orange mix.

A dragonet burst out of each egg. Glory reached over and grabbed hers to her chest. "What do we name her?" Deathbringer looked over lovingly. "How about Treefrog?"

Meanwhile, Fatespeaker was cooing over her black dragonet. "He's so cute." Starflight said. "And he looks like you." He added. "Skyseller." Fatespeaker declared. "My visions are telling me that this is the proper name."

In the sandwing stronghold

"You're sure you don't know who the father is?" Queen Thorn asked, glancing at her daughter. "If I know, I can personally kill them." She added jokingly.

"Yes, mother, I have no idea." Sunny answered, her eyes not leaving her egg. "But it doesn't matter. MY dragonet is in there. YOUR granddaughter or grandson is in there. THAT'S what matters." At that moment, a tannish dragonet burst out of the egg. Sunny cried in delight, and picked up her dragonet. "Mirage." She said. "Because this is too good to be real."

On the border of the mudwing and skywing kingdoms
Clay watched the egg in slight confusion. He still wasn't sure how the egg didn't get scorched when Peril laid it. It must be fireproof or something.

Peril walked over to him, sitting down beside him and the egg. "Are you excited?" She whispered. He nodded.

The egg wobbled, and cracked open, showing a dragonet laying down. Beside him, Peril let out a cry of disbelief. Their dragonet had been born dead. He walked over silently, and picked up the limp dragonet. He sat down beside Peril again, and offered the dragonet to her. She took it hesitantly, hoping she wouldn't burn it. It didn't burn, and made a little squeaking sound. Clay and her looked at each other in surprise. The dragonet twitched, and blinked up at her parents. Peril started to cry.

"Can we name her Miracle?" She asked. Clay nodded. "That fits her."

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