Here At Last!

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Warning: Mention of throw up

"FINALLY!" Bumblebee exclaimed as they landed.

Eucalyptus stumbled away from her as she stretched her wings.

"Three moons I hate-" He threw up over the side. "-Flying." He finished.

"Ewww the ground is all shifty!" Bumblebee ignored him and picked up a handful of sand.

"KIDS!" Willow caught up to them. "You- are in a big... world of trouble." She panted, laying down. "Sundew is going to... kill us."

"I DARE Snudoo to kill me! She cares too much." Bumblebee teased.



"Hey, so, Kraken, your father will go to the vines with you- What is happening?!" Tsunami yelled as she saw the gathering of students at the lake.

"Not the best time mom." Kraken replied absently.

"DONE!" Jinx yelled, pulling her claws back, and Phoebe came choking out of the water.

All the students immediately dropped her, and left. Jinx, Kraken and Miracle shot Phoebe a sharp glare and left too.

"Wait... mom said we could go!" Kraken realized.

Riptide grinned, appearing in front of them. "Sure can. Ready?"

"YES GO!" They shouted, pushing their way outside.

"TO THE KINGDOM OF SAND!" Kraken yelled, and they took off.


She was happy to know that her brother and Dingo were getting along.

Currently, she was sitting at Dingo's camp, and they were looking for firewood.

Four shadows passed overhead, and looking up, she saw- was that Miracle?

"So, first, Treefrog went home, now those three are going... Who's next?" She wondered aloud.

"CLASS TIME!" She heard Sunny yell.

UGH she was not ready for this.

There was an awkward silence with the Jade Winglet, that she didn't get. What had happened while she was outside?

"Well, all of you are my most respectful class yet." Webs told them.

Mirage tapped the mudwing next to her. "Why's everyone so silent?" She asked.

He looked at her in surprise. "You didn't know? Phoebe's been injured. Thank the moons."

She froze. "How?"

"Some rainwing she was picking on snapped." He said, shrugging.

"What did they look like?" She asked slowly.

"I think purple with pale yellow?"


"Thanks." She turned back to the lesson, and the mudwing shot a concerned glance at her.

"Hi!" Someone whispered, and turning she saw another rainwing. "I'm Chrysanthemum! You can call me Chryssie, for short. That rainwing was so brave, standing up for herself."

"I missed it. Little Jinx beating up someone, I would have enjoyed watching that."

"She didn't really beat her up. She just used her venom."

Oh dear...

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