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Jinx and Kraken ran down the hall, trying to find their 'Winglet gathering' or whatever it was called.

"Jinx!" Kraken yelled, pointing to a sign. "This is us."

They walked in and Kraken saw five other dragons, plus his grandfather, Webs.

He and Jinx sat and Webs greeted them. "Let's get started, shall we?"

The skywing spoke up. "My name's Gyrfalcon. I'm really good at flying. I'm here because Queen Ruby chose soldiers with kids, and my mother was chosen, so she let me go to school!"

The sandwing went next. "I'm Eclipse, I have two siblings, Dawn and Dusk and we're triplets, and I'm actually very nervous about this, because Dawn and Dusk are usually the talkers, and I'm separated from them, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do." They finished, taking deep breaths.

"I'm Truthseeker." The nightwing said. "Um... my name speaks it all..."

"I'm Jinx!" His rainwing friend jumped in. "I'm a noble, I can't read, I hate big words, and my nickname is Cursecup."

"I'm Holly." The icewing said proudly. "I honestly don't think I need extra schooling. I mean, why should we have to learn beside other tribes? That's just sharing war secrets."

"Holly will be sharing a cave with Kraken and Jinx." Webs explained. "Gyrfalcon and Eclipse. And that leaves Truthseeker and Coypu."

Kraken cleared his throat. "I'm Kraken. My mom's the principal. My dad runs a town."

And finally, the mudwing, Coypu, started speaking. "My name is Coypu, and... not much to say about me..."

"Anything else to add?" Webs asked.

No one moved. "Fine. Go to your caves."

Holly caught up to Kraken and Jinx as they left. "Hello." They greeted.

"Hi. If I had any idea where our cave WAS, I'd go on my own, but since I arrived late, no idea. So could I follow you to the cave?"

Jinx nodded, wanting to be friends with this proud dragonet.

They reached their cave and Holly spotted Buttercup.

"Aw this is cute. Is it a snack or..."

"Pet." Jinx replied. "Buttercup."

Holly scratched her under the chin, and when she caught Kraken smiling at her loving side, she straightened up and backed away.

"What are you looking at?!" She snapped.

"You, sorry."


"Mirage, this is us." Miracle said, pulling her towards the cave.


"Shhh." Miracle reminded her.

"Oh, right, calmness." She took a deep breath. "Ready!!!"

They stepped in, and Clay was running the class. "Hi dad." Miracle greeted, sitting down.

"Ok, so let's get started. Who would like to go first?"

"Me!!" Mirage shouted.

"Ok, go ahead."

"Hello everybody! I am Mirage, daughter of Sunny, the third heir to the sandwing throne, the other's being my mother and my friend/cousin, Onyx. I'm very loud-"

"We realize that." A silvery icewing grumbled.

"-And I am very happy to meet you all." She finished, smiling.

"Rhinestone, would you like to go next?" Clay asked.

"No... I'm Rhinestone. I like... eating polar bears, I guess?"

"I'll go next, dad." Miracle offered. "Hi everyone, I'm Miracle, and um... I have fireproof scales so I don't burn to a crisp when I touch my mother, I'm adventurous, and..."

She looked back at Clay, who nodded. "I was dead, when I hatched. My mother, Peril, jumpstarted my heart."

Clay smiled and put a wing around her. "Who's next?"

Quick A/N: I got SO BORED writing these introductions! Like I had 15 more dragons to do, and I'm like, screw it. The winglets can be found at the bottom of Exploration.

(Lazy time skip!)


"Hey mother?" Mirage padded up to Sunny.

"Yes?" Sunny asked.

"Why isn't there a nightwing in my winglet? I checked and there is none."

Sunny froze and turned to her daughter.

"How about you go ask Starflight about that?" She offered.


"Because he made the winglets..."

Mirage padded off, and Sunny shook her head. We were so stupid! We should have been smarter, we should've known she'd figure it out! I need to talk to Starflight and Fatespeaker later...


"Starflight?" Someone asked.

"Who is it?" He responded.

"It's Mirage. I was asking my mother about this, and she said to ask you."

"Ok, go ahead." He waited patiently.

"I was wondering why there's no nightwing in my winglet?"

Starflight stiffened, and in the corner, Fatespeaker dropped the scrolls she was holding.

"Um... I'll tell you tomorrow. I'm pretty tired." He said, faking a yawn.


Does she believe me? Oh no oh no oh no...

Fatespeaker walked over to him after Mirage left. "My visions tell me this does not bode well."

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