Welcome to Pyrrhia!

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She followed Kraken and Miracle into the Prey Center, and was pulled aside by everyone's 'favorite' skywing.

"Jinx, what are you doing?!" Phoebe whispered. "I told you to stay away from him. He's just gonna hurt you more."

"No, it's fine Phoebe. We're good now. You don't have to worry!" Jinx reassured her.

Phoebe snorted. "As if. Kraken is a liar. You can't trust him, Jinx. I'm just trying to look out for you."

"No, really, we're good now. Hey, I'll see you later?" She asked.

Phoebe rised to her full height. "You stupid rainwing." She slapped Jinx across her snout, making her yelp and jump back. "I was trying to get through to you. Apparently I have to force the knowledge into your brain."

She raised her talon again, and Jinx closed her eyes, preparing for the impact.

It never came. She peeked out one eye, and Kraken stood before her, holding firmly onto Phoebe's wrist.

"Don't. Touch her." He said, and while his voice was calm, his glare could have melted diamonds.

"You're as bad as Queen Scarlet." Gyrfalcon hissed.


"No, I'm afraid I don't." Their mother replied.

Destiny blinked in shock and Death snarled.

"I think it's time you take your leave, mother." She gritted her teeth.

"Sister, watch your tone." Destiny snapped.

"Right." Death corrected herself. "Of course." She smiled forcefully at her mother. "Goodbye then mother."

"Goodbye girls. Decise, be good." Queen Time said, and left the room.

"She really gets on my nerves!" Death muttered.

"What was that Death?! Losing your calm in front of the queen of the underworld, our mother, who can put us through EXTREME pain?!" Destiny yelled.

"Ooh, you're in trouble!" Their new sister spoke from the corner.

Destiny straightened to her full height, and stared imposingly down at her. "As for you," She began, grabbing Decise by the horn. "Stay out of our way."

"Of course, sister." Decise smiled faintly and pulled Destiny's claw off of her horn.

Death didn't trust her...


Miracle watched as Phoebe glared at Kraken, a frightened Jinx in front of her.

"Your little girlfriend needs a lesson taught to her." Phoebe snarled at Kraken.

Kraken, Miracle and Jinx all glared at her simultaneously.

And then Kraken punched her.

Phoebe wheeled back in shock, and hissed.

"I'll make you regret that." She snapped.

Kraken hissed, and Phoebe lunged at him. She was very fast for her age, and managed to get a few hits in, although Kraken got more.

Miracle picked up a rock and prepared to chuck it at the skywing.

She never got a chance to, however, when black spots started eating away at Phoebe's face.

And then, there was the most agonized sound she'd ever heard.

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