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"Roll, Treefrog, roll!" Deathbringer advised as they trained.

"I'm rolling!" She argued. She definitely had her mother's personality. Her looks... were debatable. She always kept her scales black. Her regular colors were rare to spot.

"Good. Now up!" He said, shooting into the air. She followed, pushing against the wind flow.

"Let the wind CARRY you, Treefrog!" Her father reminded her.

She switched her direction. They were drilling escapes into her head. Why? She was going to Jade Mountain Academy. And remembering past mistakes- MHM JADE WINGLET- her father wanted her to be able to defend herself. She'd been his apprentice since she was two. She always carried a dart gun and dagger with her. (Both of her parents suggested this)

She honestly couldn't be more pleased about going to school. Her mother and father weren't like Queen Coral, who apparently kept her daughter on a leash. They weren't the problem at all, actually. It was the citizens. LITERALLY everyone in the ENTIRE RAINFOREST asked her questions ALL the time and it made her want to CLAW THEIR SNOUTS RIGHT OFF!

There was a week until school started, so they'd drilled and drilled and drilled for hours, and then they went home and Glory showed her how to make her scales invisible, keep them normal and make them intimidating.

All in all, a good day of fun.

Miracle grabbed her bag from the wall, and ran to her mother. "Going to the beach, bye!" She said hurriedly.

"Behave and come straight home. No flying to Sanctuary." Peril instructed.

"I would NEVER." Miracle announced dramatically.

She ran out of their home, and threw herself into the air. She flapped her wings powerfully, using the wind to her advantage. Like most skywings, she had bigger wings.

Finally, she arrived at the beach. She landed, and scanned for pretty seashells. She picked up a small one, and turning it over, found a sea snail. "Ew!" She shrieked, flicking it away from her.

"Might wanna be more careful with the wildlife around here." A voice whispered from behind her. She jumped, spinning around quickly. A dark blue dragonet stood, slightly taller than her. He wore a necklace with what looked like shark teeth in it. He was looking at her in slight amusement.

"Who are you?" She squeaked.

"Kraken." He smiled, lifting a talon to shake hers. "And you are?"

"Um... who's asking?" She answered, trying hard to avoid the question.

"Grandson of Queen Coral, son of Princess Tsunami. You are binded by law to answer me." He said, his face unreadable. He then broke into laughter. "Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. It was so funny!"

Realization flashed through her like a lightning bolt. This was Tsunami's son. Her father's friend. "THREE MOONS YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" She screamed, and he stumbled back in surprise.

"What? What is it?" He asked, puzzled.


He blinked in surprise. "REALLY??"

She nodded. "My name's Miracle." She said.

"The born dead one?!"

"Yeah." She hid her face. That was probably the worst thing about her life.

"WOW! So cool that we met each other!"

He smiled at her. "Were you gathering shells? I can help."

She picked up her bag. "That'd be nice, thanks. I'm looking for pretty ones."

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