Nice To Meet You!

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"ONWARDS!" Miracle cried. They'd been flying for a solid day, and they were getting close.

"CRASH LANDING IN THREE TWO ONE!" Riptide yelled dramatically.

They all dove downwards and crashed into the sand.

"For Clearsight's sake, what is happening?" Someone sputtered.

Looking up, there were three dragons standing above them.

Two green dragons and a four winged dragon.

Riptide stood quickly, smiling at the older leafwing?

"Willow. Nice to see you again." He greeted her.

"You too Riptide. Who are these three?"

"This is my son, Kraken, and this is Miracle, and Jinx." He introduced them.

"Bumblebee," Willow said, gesturing to the hivewing. "And my son Eucalyptus."

Riptide looked surprised. "Your son? Did...did something happen?"

"No, no, Sundew's fine. Her old fiancèe gave him to us."

Riptide nodded.

Eucalyptus looked... extremely sick. He was very green, no pun intended.

"Hello! I am Jinx!" The rainwing greeted them immediately. "You both are so PRETTY."

"Oh uh... thanks?" Eucalyptus replied.

"It's a compliment." Kraken assured him.

"Wow, Pantalan tribes are so cool looking." Miracle smiled at Bumblebee, who smiled back.

"Do you guys want to come rest in Sanctuary or..." Riptide asked.

"We're... not actually supposed to be here yet. These two decided to run for it." Willow explained.

"I was DRAGONNAPPED!" Eucalyptus screeched, and Bumblebee nodded. "It's true, he was."


"HEARTSTOPPER!" She screeched, waiting at the tunnel.

The nightwing burst out from the bushes and clamped a talon over Treefrog’s snout. "Shh." She warned.

"Sorry. So, continue where you left off?"

"Of course. My mother trained me from hatching to fight against rainwings. Which is why I beat you so easily." She smiled and Treefrog shriveled her snout.

"You didn't beat me. You made me laugh. GREAT stealth training."

Heartstopper poked her with her tail playfully. "No interruptions!"


Taiga was lonely. That was saying a lot. She NEVER felt lonely.

I miss Treefrog. She pouted as she lay on her bed.

Mallard, a skywing from her winglet, ran in, waving a small scroll in her talon. "It's... for you." She panted.

Taiga nodded and snatched the scroll.

Dear Taiga,

We've finally found someone for you! That's right, an arranged marriage has been set up! Not for the next two years, of course, but I'm sure you'll get along just fine.

His name is Larimar, he's very kind, and very excited to meet you.

With love, your mother

Taiga hissed and threw the scroll against the wall, blasting it with frostbreath. That was not the news she expected.

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