Chapter - 9

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it's been months since yibo's relationship but after coming into zhan relationship he becomes very irritable and used to shout at yibo on small things.

Zhan didn't care if someone flirted with Yibo or even touched him, but still Yibo loved Zhan very much. Jiyang felt bad for Yibo. Jiyang talked to Xuan about this. But Xuan used to ignore Jiyang and his words too.

One day zhou cheng zhan's cousin brother takes admission in zhan's college and as soon as he came, he did not like yibo at all because yibo is a better dancer and topper student than zhou cheng.

Zhou Cheng

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Zhou Cheng

Yibo's classmate

There is going to be a dance competition in the collage and Zhou Chang dreams of becoming a dancer. Seeing Yibo dancing better than him, Zhou Chang becomes jealous and thinks of asking Zhan for help.

Here yibo is very happy and is feeding food to zhan with his hand and zhan is playing games in mobile, he is not paying any attention to what yibo is talking about.

Yibo - Zhan ge Do you know that my name selected the dance competition, my dream is to become a dancer. ( Speaks while feeding with a spoon)

Zhan - Hmm.............

Yibo keeps talking about a lot of things and Zhan just keeps humming, then the eating spoon slips from Yibo's hand and falls into Zhan's mobile, Zhan gets very angry.

Zhan ( yelled )- Are you blind yibo can't you see dropped food in my mobile

Seeing Zhan suddenly angry and shouting, Yibo gets scared and even the tiffin falls out of his hand.

Yibo - Sorry*sob*zhan ge*hiccups*(starts crying)

Zhan - Shut up now stop crying (yelled)

Yibo starts crying silently

Zhan - why are you shouting at bobo zhan

Zhan - None of your bessiness (looks at Xuan and says)Xuan keeps his omega under control These always speaks in our matters

Jiyang - What are you saying zhan, I am not a remote doll nor a robot that xuan will control me.

Zhan - Oh! Really You always follow Xuan and don't even stop following him.

Jiyang - This doesn't mean that Xuan is controlling me.

Xuan gets angry after seeing Jiyang arguing with Zhan

Xuan - shut up jiyang (angery tone) angrily holds jiyang's shoulder hard

Jiyang - Xuan ge leave me it hurts me

Xuan - It's good that this is your punishment for arguing with my friend.

Yibo - Xuan ge leave jiyang he must be in pain

Xuan still doesn't leave until Zhan tells him to leave

Jiyang - ( teary eyes ) Bobo let's get out of here

Just then, Zhan gets a call from Zhou Cheng. Zhan is laughingly talking to Zhou Cheng and Zhou Cheng calls Zhan and Xuan to meet in the canteen.

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