Chapter - 10

418 35 1

In canteen

Five people are sitting zhan,xuan,yu bin,ji li,and zhou cheng

Zhou Cheng - Zhan I need your help

Zhan - for what purpose

Zhou Cheng - for dance competition

Zhan -'s a good joke

Zhou Cheng - this is not a joke

Zhan - So you know I don't know how to dance well so how can I help you

Zhou cheng - Zhan you are yibo's boyfriend right so only you can do it

Zhan - didn't i understand something

Zhou Cheng - you have to do is not let yibo reach the stage on the day of the competition.

Yu bin - What are you saying, yibo has worked hard all day and night till his hands and legs hurt and you are saying that we should help yibo in not fulfilling his dream.

Zhou Cheng - Shut up yu bin I'm not talking to you

Zhan - ok done

Yu bin - you are doing wrong zhan you will regret later

Ji li - Yes zhan yu bin is right yibo has the right to fulfill his dream you can't do that right Just think how would you feel if I don't let you fulfill your dream.

Zhan - I don't care if he and his dream go to hell

Zhou Cheng - okay then done

Ji li - Look zhan, our job was to understand, now it's up to you, don't regret it later.

Zhan - Why would I regret? (yelled)

Zhan speaks so loudly that people in the canteen start looking at Zhan and his group, then Xuan apologizes to everyone and calms Zhan down.


In college on competition day

Haikuan, jiyang and Yibo come to college then

Haikuan - Good luck My princess I know you will win and fulfill our mother's dream and yours too.

Yibo - Yes brother ( happy )

Yibo has his mother's photo in his hand and he promises that he will win and his brothers have also come to watch the competition.

Ji Yang - Yibo, are you ready? It's your turn in a little while.

Yibo - Yes ji yang

Even before the competition starts, Yibo's phone starts ringing. He has Zhan's name in the caller ID. He think it. Zhan must have called him to wish him good luck. He quickly picks up the call

In phone conversation

Xuan - Hello yibo

Yibo - Hello Xuan ge where is Zhan ge

Xuan ( fake panick tone )- Zhan's health has suddenly deteriorated, please come to the hospital quickly.

Yibo - But how is the competition about to start?

Xuan - Well, you don't love Zhan, that's why your dance is more dear to you
than Zhan.

Yibo - There is nothing like that

Xuan disconnects the call then xuan and zhan start to laugh

Zhan - you see will call right now

Xuan - Omegas are fools, just look at ji yang and yibo.

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