Chapter - 12

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Next morning

Xuan gets a call from Zhan and Xuan picks up the phone in his sleep.

Phone conversation

Xuan - Hello Who

Zhan - idiot, I am zhan Did you forget me overnight?

Xuan - Oh zhan No no, there is nothing like that, tell me how did the call happen?

Zhan - I have my birthday today

Xuan - So

Zhan - I am getting engaged soon

Xuan ( shocked) - What, you are going to get engaged soon and you are telling me right now (yelled)

Jiyang also wakes up after hearing the sound and looks at Xuan and sees herself. It doesn't take long to understand what has happened to her.
Xuan looks at Jiyang and gets up from the bed, wraps the clothes around his waist and He goes near the window of the room and says

Xuan - Wait, I will come there then we will talk and you will tell me everything.

Zhan - where are you, come to my house quickly

Xuan - okay

Phone conversation end

Xuan looks at Jiyang who is trying to get up from the bed because he has a lot of pain in her body and also in her lower part. Xuan comes to Jiyang and helps Jiyang go to the bathroom and gives Jiyang her clothes and starts wearing his clothes. Jiyang says as soon as he comes out of the bathroom

Jiyang - Xuan ge

Xuan - let's break up

Jiyang - what are you saying ge

Xuan - I said let's breakup

Jiyang - But why (teary eyes)

Xuan - Oh Jiyang, I got what I wanted, I don't need you anymore, anyway, I was tired of putting up with your tantrums, I can't take it anymore.

Jiyang - But ge you said you love me

Xuan - Look Jiyang, I have never really been in love with anyone, it is all just a game for me and I have used this trick with many Omegas also, he gets his thing and I get my thing and we go our separate ways. I don't take any relationship seriously, you understand

Jiyang ( start crying) - But *sob*GE you said*hiccups *you love me *sob*and you are saying*hiccups *this is all a game for you

Xuan - Oh Jiyang sorry if you felt bad, but this is my habit, you knew I was a playboy and you thought I would fall in love with you seriously Jiyang, how can you be such an idiot, someone told the truth every beautiful omega has a no brain

Jiyang - I love you ge plz don't do this (grabs Xuan's legs and starts crying)

Xuan - Leave my legs Jiyang

Jiyang - Please don't leave me, I love you very much, I will do whatever you say, please don't leave me (still crying)

Xuan pushes Jiyang away and walks away. While leaving, Xuan looks back at Jiyang and leaves from there. Xuan thought, "Why am I feeling bad for someone for the first time? It's just a habit of mine, isn't it?" So why do I feel so bad breaking up "xuan tears come out of her eyes

Jiyang starts crying after sitting on the ground for a long time and goes home crying.


yibo's room

Yibo makes thousands of calls and messages to wish Zhan a birthday, but if Zhan does not respond,

He is alone decides to meet Zhan and leaves the house. Yibo goes to jiyang's house to take her with him

Yibo reaches Jiyang's house and knocks on the door. Jiyang's mom opens the door and Yibo asks about Jiyang. Jiyang's mom tells that Jiyang is in her room.

Yibo Goes to Jiyang's room and is horrified to see Jiyang's condition as he lies on the ground crying with his arms and legs curled up

Yibo - Jiyang What happened, why are you crying, did aunty say anything to you?

Jiyang - yibo* sob* that*hiccups*

Yibo - What is that jiyang please tell me what happened

Jiyang tells everything to Yibo while crying and Yibo gets shocked.

Yibo - I didn't think Xuan Ge would do this to you.

Jiyang - Me too (hugs Yibo and starts crying loudly)

Yibo - Let's go to zhang ge and Xuan ge. I will talk to Xuan ge. Get up quickly. ( Speaks while caressing Jiyang's back)

Jiyang - okay

Both leave the house to go to meet Xuan and Zhan

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