Chapter - 31

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Next day

Everyone comes to the dining table to have breakfast and yibo is smiling at everyone And Jiyang sits slowly on the chair and sees Yibo smiling.

Jiyang - Yibo why are you smiling so much, eat your breakfast quietly (scold)

Yibo - Jiyang baby what did I do (pout)

Li Bowen speaks while sitting on the seat next to Jiyang

Li Bowen - Yibo let it be he is a little angry today

Yibo - Yes yes, I understand why he is so angry (starts laughing)

Jiyang stares angrily at yibo Yang Yang is about to sit on Jiyang's lap. Bowen catches Yang Yang.

Li Bowen - Yang baby, you sit in dadda's lap and have breakfast today.

Yang Yang - why dadda

Li Bowen - Just like that today I want to feed you with my hands

Yang Yang becomes happy and sits on li Bowen's lap and li Bowen starts feeding yang yang and sometimes jiyang also starts feeding yang yang. And yang yang is happily eating food from the hands of both his parents.

Just then Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, Haikuan and Ziyi arrive Lan zhan and ziyi are also slowly sitting on the chair and seeing this, both jiyang and yibo are smiling.

Lan zhan - Why are you both smiling like idiots (scold)

Both of them bow their heads and do not stop smiling.

Wei Ying - Baobei you are scolding these two so much

Lan zhan - you shut up everything happened because of you ( scold)

Wei Ying - Today it is better for me to remain silent

Wei Ying speaks while sitting on the seat between Haikuan and Li Bowen And signals both of them to bring their ears to him

Wei Ying whispers in both of their ears "Looks like you both did too much with your wife. "

Li Bowen and Haikuan also speak "And you too "

Lan zhan,ziyi and Jiyang speak together "Tell us in a whisper what all three of you are talking about. "

All three get scared and shake their heads no.

Lan zhan - for all three of you

Jiyang - will be good

Ziyi - Don't even think about doing bad to us Understand

all three together complete the line All three nod apprehensively.

Lan zhan, Jiyang and ziyi together said ,"Good"

Yibo and yuan started laughing seeing this. yibo was laughing seeing the scared faces of the three. Yuan was laughing seeing the three being scared of their mummies.

Everyone has breakfast laughing like this


One week later

Zhan's health deteriorates, all this while preparing for the wedding, now he is at home due to health after taking leave and till his recovery, mr.xiao is managing the company.

Mrs. Xiao - Zhan son how are you feeling now

Zhan - Mom I am fine now

Mrs. Xiao - Zhan even refused to tell your jei jei that you have been unwell for a week.

Zhan - Mom, now sister has gone to another house, now she will come home to take care of me for a while, she will need her there more than me.

Mrs. Xiao - So why don't you listen to me and bring someone to take care of you in this house?

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