Chapter -21

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Next day

Wei Ying, Lan Zhan,Yibo, Jiyang are all sitting on the sofa and talking about the same thing.

Lan zhan Holding Jiyang's hand in his hand he says - Jiyang, I know it is not your fault, if Xuan had not made you drunk that day, you would not have had to endure all this today and you want to keep your child, so we both support you.

Wei Ying nods his head yes

Wei Ying calls Haikuan and asks him to bring Jiyang's parents as well.

Immediately at night, Haikuan and his parents arrive and Lan Zhan tells everyone one thing but Mr. Song gets angry.

*Slap* - You Jiyang You broke our trust I didn't think you would do this You made me bow my head in shame (yelled)

Jiyang (crying)-............ - Honey, what is our son's fault in this? It is the fault of the boy who took advantage of our innocent child. You know our Jiyang can never do this. - But your dear son has bowed my head in shame. What face will I show to the people of the world when they taunt me? That could not handle his omega son and his son is carrying around with who knows whose child even before marriage.

Haikuan - Uncle, you are worried about those people of the world, not about your child. The people of the world will say only what they see, but those people of the world will not be able to see the pain of that person. Uncle, you are worried about such people. -............

Wei Ying - What is his fault in this? If everyone knew that the person we love will betray us, then no one would love. Uncle, it is because of boys like him that people who love are infamous in this world.

Lan zhan - Uncle, there is no fault of Jiyang in this. If you leave Jiyang alone, then who will support him? Who can understand the child better than the parents? Just think, Uncle.

Yibo - Uncle, you know Jiyang can never do this intentionally. If Xuan had not made Jiyang drunk that day, all this would not have happened today. Jiyang never breaks your trust and you know Jiyang is innocent. (crying)-But... But who will marry my son, who will take care of him after we are gone, he will have to live alone in this bad world after we are gone and will have to listen to taunts. Now we are all with him but what will happen to him later?

Seeing Mr. Song crying for the first time, Mrs. Song also starts crying and everyone has tears in their eyes.

Jiyang - Dad, I don't need anyone, I will make me very strong so that people like Xuan don't take advantage of my innocence in the future. *sob*dad. You mom will never leave me. Dad, I will not marry anyone. If I like any boy in the future, I will marry only him. Dad, but please accept this child, Dad, there is no mistake in it hugs Jiyang while crying and everyone has tears in their eyes after seeing this Wei Ying hugs lan zhan and Haikuan hugs yibo Because lan zhan and yibo become very emotional and calls everyone for a hug saying that you all are my children.

After a few months, Jiyang's belly starts appearing and everyone takes care of Jiyang together and one day Jiyang starts having labor pains and everyone becomes very worried for Jiyang.

Everyone is walking here and there in the hospital when suddenly they hear the baby's voice. A nurse comes and tells everyone that the baby is a boy and Jiyang is brought home after a few days.

Jiyang names the baby "Xue yang" but everyone lovingly calls the baby yang yang. Jiyang's new friends also help her in taking care of the baby. Li Bowen liked Jiyang and Li wenhan liked Yibo.

Li BowenAlpha23 year's oldYibo and Jiyang new friend Lin bao best friend

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Li Bowen
23 year's old
Yibo and Jiyang new friend
Lin bao best friend

Li wenhan 23 Year's oldAlphaYibo and Jiyang new friendLi Bowen best friend

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Li wenhan
23 Year's old
Yibo and Jiyang new friend
Li Bowen best friend


In Shanghai

One day after Haikuan returns from London, ziyi wang company comes to meet Haikuan and directly enters the CEO's office and does not stop even after the guard stops him.

Guard - Hey miss please stop

Ziyi -...........

She directly opens the door and comes inside so that she can see Haikuan.

Haikuan - What happened ( Haikuan shocked after seeing ziyi)

Haikuan signals the guard to go back

Ziyi slaps Haikuan as soon as he arrives


Ziyi - How dare you betray me (starts hitting Haikuan like a child)

Haikuan holds ziyi's hand and starts kissing so that ziyi's anger calms down. At first ziyi does not kiss and later gets absorbed in the kiss. Haikuan stops the kiss and looks into Ziyi's eyes. Ziyi also starts looking into Haikuan's eyes.

Ziyi ( shyly)- Haikuan what did you do?

Haikuan - What did I do, you were beating me like a child earlier, you are still like a child.

Ziyi stares at Haikuan angrily

Haikuan - Look, don't look at me like that, let me tell you the whole story.

Ziyi node his head Both sit on the sofa and Haikuan says


Sorry for short part🙏

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I will not be able to update the next chapter for three days because guests are coming to my house on Saturday and Sunday and I am going on a trip on Monday.

Sorry for these three days, I will definitely update the next chapter on Tuesday.

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