Chapter -19

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In Wang mansion

Haikuan goes to yibo's room to wake up yibo but gets shocked as soon as he opens the door because yibo is sleeping on the floor with his mother's photo close to his chest.Haikuan quickly goes and picks up Yibo. Haikuan feels like crying after seeing his brother like this, but he controls himself.

Haikuan - Yibo why were you sleeping on the ground

Yibo - just like this brother

Haikuan - I know you haven't slept all night, it's visible in your eyes

Yibo - (teary eyes) brother why does this happen only to me? First mom and dad left and now Zhang Ge also left.

Haikuan - Yibo My princess I am with you no one has left you

Haikuan wipes yibo's tears and hugs yibo


One week later

Yibo is not the same as before, he always remains locked in his room, does not go out much, nor does he talk to anyone much. Looking at Yibo, it seemed as if Yibo was a living corpse.

Haikuan becomes very stressed after seeing his brother so sad and seeing his health.


In Wang Company

Haikuan is sitting in his CEO's cabin. He has a lot of files kept on his table to be checked but Haikuan is sitting quietly and engrossed in some thought.

Then his secretary comes inside with his file in his hand because even after knocking several times he does not hear any sound from inside, so he himself comes inside and sees his boss lost in thought.

Secretary - Boss..

Haikuan - .......

Secretary - Boss ( little bit yelled)

Haikuan - Yes Wang yi zhou what brings you here

Wang yi zhou is Haikuan's friend and personal secretary.

Wang yi zhou - What happened Haikuan, what are you busy thinking about?

Haikuan tells everything to wang yi zhou as a friend

Wang yi zhou - let me give you a suggestion

Haikuan - yes tell me

Wang yi zhou - You send your brother from here to somewhere else, maybe it will be easier for him to move on, if he stays here then he will remember the same thing by seeing the same people and the same college, it is better if you keep him for a few months or a few years.send it to a new place, it will be fine

Haikuan ( after thinking) - yes you are right

Then Haikuan talks to someone on the phone and looks at Wang Yi Zhou

Haikuan - thanks bro

Wang yi zhou - Being a friend, it was my duty, there is no need to say thank you, ok then I will leave.

Haikuan - okay ( smile)

Wang yi zhouAlpha28 years oldHaikuan's personal secretary and only friend

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Wang yi zhou
28 years old
Haikuan's personal secretary and only friend


In Wang mansion

Yibo is in his room and Jiyang is taking care of him when Haikuan comes.

Haikuan - My princess I am here

Yibo does not respond Haikuan is sad that yibo is no longer the same yibo

Haikuan - Bobo, come on, quickly pack your things, we are going to your cousin brother's house.

Yibo looks at Haikuan with confusion but does nothing

Ji Yang - Brother you are also going

Haikuan - no i'm just going to leave bobo

Ji Yang - So what should I do here alone when my best friend is leaving me I also have to go with him

Haikuan - First ask your parents, we have no problem in taking you.

Then ji yang calls his mom dad and asks for permission and his mom dad happily agrees because it is the first time ji yang has asked him for something and also because ji yang will be with yibo. so they agree

Jiyang - my parents gave permission

Haikuan - Good then go home with your stuff and come back quickly, ok

Ji Yang - okay

Ji Yang leaves from there to collect his belongings.

Yibo - Gege But why should I go there?

Haikuan - You need to move on bobo and you won't be able to move on from her easily by staying here and anyway she is engaged (yibo , Haikuan and Ji Yang doesn't know that zhan is not engaged).

Tears start coming out of Yibo's eyes. He can't say anything even after seeing Haikuan, he just feels sad because because of Zhan, Yibo has forgotten how to laugh, play, eat, everything.

Yibo doesn't say anything. Haikuan starts packing all of Yibo's stuff in the bag. Jiyang also comes with his stuff by then.

Haikuan - Okay, we will leave tomorrow morning by 4 am flight.

Jiyang - okay ge


Next day

Yibo, Haikuan and Jiyang leave home for the 4 am flight to London


In London airport

A man stands with Haikuan's name board waiting for Haikuan and Yibo. Haikuan sees the man and goes to him and hugs him. Jiyang asks yibo is he your cousin brother? yibo just shakes his head no.

Jiyang - who is this

Yibo - he is my cousin brother's husband

Ji Yang - Oh!! okay

That person looks towards Jiyang and Yibo and extends his hand to shake hands, both of them shake hands one by one, then he takes everyone towards his home.

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