Chapter - 14

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Yibo and jiyang go to Xuan and zhan's old house, it is locked, then both are disappointed and go to college. goes to college and starts searching for both of them and zhan and xuan meet them in the canteen and yibo goes to them and says

Yibo - zhan ge i need to talk to you about something

Zhan - so tell me

Yibo -  Not here, let's go to our secret place

Zhan - okay

All four go to the place behind the canteen, there is a small garden where no one used to come and go.

Xuan - Looks like you complained about me to your best friend, you really acted like a child (whispers in Jiyang's ear)

Hearing this, tears start flowing from Jiyang's eyes.

Yibo -  Looking angrily at Xuan, he says, "How dare you do this to my best friend" (yelled)

Xuan - You little omega how dare you talk to me like that (yelled)

Zhan -  Wait, what is happening here (says while calming both of them)

Yibo - Zhan ge ask your friend what happened

Zhan - what happened xuan

Xuan - Nothing

Zhan secretly stares angrily at Xuan

Yibo - Don't you know anything zhan ge ( shocked)

Zhan - what should have been known

Yibo - Ge He (pointing his finger at Xuan and speaking) forced Jiyang to drink and with him (becomes silent)

Zhan - Yibo I know this is all wrong but these two were dating so it is normal

Yibo - Enough is enough, how can you say such a thing, whether we are in a relationship or not, every Omega is respected, no Omega is the property of any Alpha, he also has a heart and desires, no Alpha can force an Omega.Asking someone to do something or doing it is wrong, even if they are in a relationship, they too have their own life and have the right to take their own decisions. And as for being in a relationship, if Omega does not wish to do so then it is wrong to do all this or to force him and you are supporting Xuan without saying anything, you should be ashamed. ( Angery tone)

Zhan - Shut up yibo ( yelled) I did not come here to listen to your speech. As for Xuan, he is my best friend and I will support him.

Yibo - But ge Xuan ge has done wrong

Zhan - Still he is my friend and I will support him as a friend.

Xuan places his hand on Zhan's shoulder and says" thanks Zhan."

Yibo - I don't believe zhang ge If this had happened to your sister, tell me what would you have done (shouts angrily)

Zhan gets very angry after hearing this and

Zhan slaps yibo's cheek. yibo holds his cheek and his eyes fill with tears.

Zhan - Get out of here (yelled)

Yibo ( teary eyes)- Zhan ge you also slapped me (tears come out of her eyes)

Jiyang - Come on bobo we don't want to stay here please leave

Tears keep flowing from Yibo's eyes

Jiyang - Xuan I will never forgive you I hate you Xuan I hate you Don't ever show me your face

Xuan - get out of here

Jiyang and yibo go away from there

Xuan - what will you do now maybe yibo is angry with you

Zhan - let it happen i don't care

Xuan -so what about your plan

Zhan - Don't worry, yibo will come on his own without any coaxing, see, you and you already know. Yes, he can't live without me *smirk* And you xuan, you did wrong with Jiyang, I did not expect this from you, I am ashamed to even call you my friend.

Xuan - sorry zhan

Zhan -  Sorry, tell Jiyang, not me, with whom you have done wrong.

Xuan - Okay, but not now, he is angry with me, he won't even like to see my face (says regretfully)

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