Chapter - 13

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In Xiao New Mansion

Xuan quickly reaches Zhan's mansion and starts shouting Zhan's name

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Xuan quickly reaches Zhan's mansion and starts shouting Zhan's name. Zhan's mom Mrs.Xiao let's come out and see

Zhan's mom - Oh Xuan son you here so early in the morning

Xuan - Yes aunty where is Zhan

Zhan's mom - he is in his room

Xuan - ok Aunty I came to meet Zhan I am going to his room

Zhan's mom - okay


In zhan's room

Zhan stands near the window and is deep in thought and when Xuan enters his room, Zhan does not realize.

Xuan - Hey bro what are you thinking so much about

Zhan - Nothing

Xuan - So tell me about what you were saying in the call.

Zhan - which thing

Xuan - Oh zhan you are forgetting things day by day

Zhan - Shut up Xuan tell me what is he talking about

Xuan - *sing* You were the one who told me that you are going to get engaged. You told me in the call soon.

Zhan - oh yeah

Xuan - Then tell me what's the matter (speaks while caressing the back of his neck) I was with Jiyang, so I couldn't talk properly in front of him.

Zhan - (shocked) What!Did you spend the night with Jiyang

Xuan - Yes so what, this is my habit you know

Zhan - I thought Jiyang would stick with you and keep you under control, but I was wrong, you can never improve unless you fall in love (laughs softly)

Xuan - Till date no Omega has been born who can control a playboy like me and if true love is there, then this is not possible, no chance. * Smirk*

Zhan - What will you do if you fall in love mr. Playboy (laugh)

Xuan - You know, till date I have never taken any relationship seriously.

Zhan - yes i know

Xuan - Leave all this aside, tell me what is your matter

Zhan - okay


Before Zhan's mom and dad came to Shanghai, Zhan talked to his dad.

Phone conversation

Zhan - Hello Dad how are you all

Mr.xiao - we are all fine son how are you

Zhan - I'm fine dad but I miss you all so much

Mr.xiao - So we also shift to the same place, what do you say?

Zhan - Really dad, you all are coming here too. ( Happiness)

Mr.xiao - Yes my son

Zhan - okay

Mr.xiao - Zhan I have something else to tell you

Zhan - yes dad tell me

Mr. Xiao - We have fixed your engagement with our business partner's omega son who lives in Shanghai. If you have any objection to our decision then please tell us in advance.

Zhan - If you and mom are happy then I have no problem with this engagement.

Mr. Xiao - But son, your happiness matters to us. If you are happy then we are also happy.

Zhan - Dad, you and mom like that omega, so understand that I also like it.

Mr. Xiao - But son, who knows if you like someone else?

Zhan - no dad i don't like anyone

Mr. Xiao - Are you sure?

Zhan - yes dad

Mr. Xiao - okay Then I tell Jin family that you are ready, we will come there and prepare for the engagement.

Zhan - okay dad

Mr. Xiao -Okay son, let's meet in Shanghai, will you come to pick us up?

Zhan - Yes dad when are you coming

Mr. Xiao - Tomorrow

Zhan - okay

On the same day the party is taking place, Zhan's parents come to Shanghai at night and Zhan has to leave the party.

Flashback end.....

Xuan - hmmm...So this means you're really going to get engaged.

Zhan - yeah

Xuan - so what will happen to yibo

Zhan - I don't care. Anyway, one day his heart was bound to break.

Xuan - Right now I'm coming back from breaking the heart of his childhood sweetheart

Zhan ( shocked) - Have you broken up with Jiyang?

Xuan - Yes zhan, anyway, I was tired of enduring her tantrums. You know how much I had to act in front of her so that he could impress me* sing*

Zhan - Did you do to him the same thing you do to other Omegas?

Xuan - Yes, no, but I don't care what he is feeling.

Zhan - But Xuan, you did wrong, Jiyang is very innocent, I have seen true love for you in her eyes, you should not have done this to her.

Xuan becomes jealous after hearing Zhan praise Jiyang.

Xuan - Oh Zhan ok that's it so I have also seen true love for you in yibo's eyes now what will you say

Zhan - Yes, I wanted to make Yibo fall in my love so much that I could break his heart into pieces like my Jie had.

Xuan - Well, I also did the same so that I can get what I want *smirk*

zhan is about to say something only then

Zhan's mom calls both of them for breakfast from downstairs and both of them go downstairs.

Mrs. Xiao - Zhan, Xuan, I have prepared a lot of breakfast for you two, try eating it

Zhan - Mom,where is dad

Mrs.xiao - He left for office early in the morning. Today he had to talk to Jin family about your engagement, so he left early.

Zhan - okay You also sit, mom, and have breakfast with us.

Xuan - Yes aunty

Mrs. Xiao - okay

Zhan and Xuan have breakfast and leave together for college.

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