chapter -22

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Haikuan is getting ready to go to the marriage court and yibo has gone to school because today is his last day of school. Haikuan is about to leave when his phone rings.

Phone conversation....

Haikuan - Hello

Unknown person - Hello, is this Haikuan speaking?

Haikuan - Yes!

Unknown person - Please come to xxx hospital quickly, your brother has met with an accident.

Hearing this, Haikuan goes into the sock and the mobile phone slips out of his hand and breaks and only one thing goes in Haikuan's mind, "Yibo, my brother, I might lose you too I can't lose you, you are my only reason for living ." This fear comes in his mind. Haikuan runs straight towards the hospital, ignoring the mobile.


In xxx hospital

Doctor - Have you found anyone related to him?

Nurse - Yes, I have just called and will be coming soon.

Then comes Haikuan

Haikuan - doctor..... yibo ......

Doctor - are you related to yibo

Haikuan - yes i am his elder brother

Doctor - Ohh okay butt's condition is very bad and despite being such a big hospital, we are not able to do anything, we are referring him to another hospital.

Haikuan - what happened to yibo

Doctor - He has internal injuries on his head and needs an operation, but today the top doctors of our hospital have gone to another foreign country for the operation, And we can't watch like this until they come so we have to refer him to another hospital.

Haikuan - ok doctor

Yibo is referred to a big hospital in another city and as soon as he reaches there, Yibo is hurriedly taken to the operation and Haikuan stands crying outside the operation room.

There is no one to handle Haikuan at that time Just a short time ago, the joy of getting married would have turned into the sadness of Haikuan in a moment.

Haikuan is crying that Someone places a hand on Haikuan's shoulder. Haikuan looks at them. He is the personal lawyer of the Wang family And Haikuan has seen him meeting and talking to Mr. Wang since childhood and Mr. Li used to come to his house for dinner sometimes, so Haikuan recognizes Mr. Li. .

Haikuan - Li uncle

Mr. Li - Haikuan What are you and where is yibo...

Haikuan - Uncle *sob*yibo had an accident *hiccups* and now yibo is undergoing operation *sob*And I have no one in this world except yibo, *hiccups*uncle. If anything happens to yibo, I too will not be able to survive. - Haikuan stop crying nothing will happen to yibo hugs Haikuan and Haikuan starts crying while hugging

Mr.Li - Haikuan I searched for you everywhere after hearing the news of your parents' death and today I found you both.

Haikuan - Uncle, why were you looking for us?

Mr. Li - I have to tell you something very important, first let yibo's operation be successful then we both will talk about this matter.

After some time the doctor comes out of the operation room

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