Chapter - 27

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Next day

Everyone is sitting in the living room after having breakfast and mrs.and are assigning their work to everyone. - Lan zhan, you can see how to get the decorations done and what to eat for that day, okay?

Lan zhan - ok aunty

Mr. song - Li Bowen will help me at home and Li Wenhan will take everyone shopping And Wei Ying will go to get the wedding card printed. .

Haikuan - And isn't there anything for me, uncle? - It is enough that you like yours and the bride's dress.

everyone starts laughing - Jiyang you will stay at home and take care of the kids and help lan zhan and yibo will go shopping with me

Yibo - Okay aunty

Jiyang - Ok mom

everyone leaves for their work


There are only lan zhan, jiyang, yang yang, yuan,mr .song  and li bowen in the house.

Everyone is busy with their work and Jiyang is feeding yuan and yang yang when the doorbell rings.

Lan zhan - Jiyang please look who has come, I am removing this carpet.

Jiyang - Okay Gege

Jiyang opens the door and is shocked to see Xuan standing in front.

Lan zhan - Jiyang who has come

Jiyang doesn't answer and stands there like that, then Lan Zhan doesn't feel anything is right, so he himself goes to the door and gets shocked to see Xuan.

Lan zhan - You..why have you come here ( coldly)

Xuan - That... that aunty had asked me to leave some of these things, so I had come to leave this only (speaks hesitantly)

And is trying to see Jiyang

Lan zhan - You left what you were asked to leave, now you can leave (coldly)

Xuan - Hmm

Xuan turns to go back but

Yang Yang - Mama

Xuan turns back again after hearing this

Jiyang and Lan Zhan become tense, fearing that Xuan might find out that Yang Yang is his son. Yang Yang hugs both of Jiyang's legs

Yang Yang - Momma gege is not giving me the toys I want. Tell gege to give me those toys.

Xuan suddenly has tears in her eyes after seeing such a cute baby and hearing her cute voice.

Yang Yang - Mom, say something

Jiyang - Baby, I will tell your brother later. Okay, mom is busy right now.

Yang Yang - No mom, you just tell Gege.

Li Bowen comes from behind, seeing which Yang Yang goes towards him.

Yang Yang - Dadda,tell Gege to give me the toys I want.

Li Bowen - Okay, whatever my baby boy wants, his dad will bring it for him, now go and play with Gege, okay

Yang Yang - yeyyyyy.......Dadda is very nice I love you Dadda

Li Bowen - Love you too son

Seeing this, Xuan is dying of shock and jealousy, his blood is boiling.

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