Chapter -32

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Next morning

Everyone gets up and comes to the breakfast table after getting fresh and zhan comes last, seeing which li wenhan and yibo get shocked.

Zhan - Good morning Bobo


Li wenhan -what are you doing here

Zhan -Is this my sister's house? I can come here whenever I want. What problem do you have with this?

Li wenhan -But it's only been a week since your sister came here and you yourself have come to live here.

Zhan - Yes, but you are still here even though a whole week has passed since the wedding.

Li wenhan - What do you care if I'm here?

Zhan -Nothing, but don't you feel ashamed of staying for someone's day for a long time?

Ziyi - You both eat this, I have prepared it with lots of love, eat it and see how it turns out.

Ziyi interrupts their fight and speaks while li wenhan looks at zhan angrily.

Yibo sits in the middle seat between zhan and li wenhan

Zhan -Bobo, try eating this sandwich.

Zhan puts the sandwich in Yibo's plate and Li Wenhan also puts something in Yibo's plate and their fight continues like this and Yibo's plate is completely filled.

Haikuan looks at Yibo angrily and puts his hand on his head, saying that nothing will happen to this idiot Zhan.

Yibo -Just enough of both of you, eat all this, both of you, I am not hungry. (angrily )

Yibo is about to get up and leave

Ziyi - Bobo eat something

Yibo (answers without turning back) -I am not hungry, sister-in-law.

Zhan - Li wenhan All this happened because of you (yelled)

Li wenhan - All this has happened because of you, neither would you have come here nor would yibo have left his breakfast. ( Yelled back)

Haikuan - You two stop yelling and li wenhan you will come with me to my office

Li wenhan ( shocked)- Why brother?

Haikuan - I need your help with some work will you come with me or not

Li wenhan - Ok.....

Both of them leave for office and both reach near the car and Haikuan goes inside again pretending to forget something and as soon as he leaves, he hugs Zhan and says ,"all the best."

Zhan (shocked)-Th........Thanks

Haikuan leaves again and after some time, Ziyi also leaves the house with some excuse. Now there are only Yibo and Zhan in the house because the servants have also been given the day off.

Zhan cooks food for yibo and himself with his own hands and goes to call yibo down for lunch.

Zhan first knocks on the door but there is no response, so he opens the door himself and goes inside. Zhan sees that Yibo is sleeping and Zhan just keeps looking at Yibo.

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