Chapter - 30

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And finally the day comes when two couples are going to get married.

First couple - Haikuan+ Ziyi

Second couple - Li Bowen+ Jiyang

These two couples are very happy and their friends are even happier and Yibo always keeps teasing Jiyang.

Lan zhan - Finally now Yang Yang will get her father and Jiyang will get her real partner.

Yibo - yes brother

Yang Yang, who was playing with Yuan in the garden, comes to his three mommies.

Yang Yang - Lan zhan Mama Mumma why is she marrying papa again

Lan zhan makes yang yang sit in his lap and says

Lan zhan - Yang Baby is getting married because Mumma and Papa want to get married again.

Yang Yang - Lan zhan Mama, I am very lucky that I will get to see Mama and Papa's wedding again.

Yibo - Yes, our son is very lucky for us and his mother too. ( Yibo says while pulling Yang Yang's cheeks )

Yang Yang starts giggles Then Li Bowen arrives

Li Bowen - Yang Yang look dadda how many chocolates I have brought for you come to me

yang yang goes to Li Bowen after hearing the name of chocolates

Yang Yang - Dadda...... Chocolates

Li Bowen gives all the chocolates he has brought to Yang Yang and takes Yang Yang in his arms.

Jiyang - So many chocolates. Why did you give all the chocolates at once to yang yang? He will eat all the chocolates in one go.Don't you even know? Don't you give so many chocolates to children? ( Scold )Bring it, I will keep half so that yuan and yang yang can eat later.

Li Bowen - Ohh..sorry next time I won't do this Yang Yang baby give momma chocolates

Yang Yang - No Dadda this is my choco

starts hiding chocolates

Jiyang - Yang Yang....don't eat so many chocolates son return it

When Yang Yang is not giving back the chocolates, Jiyang snatches all the chocolates from Yang Yang's hand.

Yang Yang ( crying)-My chocolates......Dadda

Li Bowen - Jiyang yang yang is crying, give her some chocolates.

Jiyang - You are spoiling Yang Yang like this. Bowen Yang Yang has now become very stubborn and cries over small things. If you say anything, he has started threatening even dadda that he will tell dadda and What will happen if there are worms in its teeth? due to these chocolates, he will keep crying all night due to toothache?

Li Bowen - Ok okay now I will not bring so many chocolates just give me one now yang yang is crying

Yang Yang - Mamma chocolates....( Teary eyes)

Jiyang - I will only give you one chocolate, don't expect more.

Yang Yang and li Bowen both nod their heads yes and as soon as Jiyang gives one of the chocolates, li Bowen starts feeding that chocolate to yang yang.

Seeing this cute moment brings a smile on everyone's face.

Wei Ying - where is yuan lan zhan

Lan zhan - Yuan is playing in the garden with his grandfather and grandmother

Wei Ying - Ok

Haikuan - What's wrong with the kids today? They're not having any fun.

After a while Yuan comes running and hugs Wei Ying's leg. Wei Ying lifts Yuan into his arms

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