chapter -28

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Xuan is very happy when his personal detective tells him that the child is his.

Xuan goes to Wang Mansion the very next day


Wang Mansion

As usual, Haikuan has gone to office and everyone is at home except Haikuan.

doorbell rings ....

This time Yibo goes to open the door and gets very angry after seeing that person in front of him.

Yibo ( rudely)- what are you doing here

Xuan ( rudely)- I have come to take my child back

Yibo- ( shock) your child which child huh........ you don't have any kids here get out of here

Xuan - You know what kid I'm talking about? Move over, let me in.

Yibo - no you will not come in

Stands in front of the door and Xuan pushes the yibo and goes inside.

Everyone starts looking at Xuan and everyone's blood is boiling, everyone feels like beating him right now.

Yibo- - Hey How dare you push me huh... You have no respect for any omega. Will you take care of the child and teach him how to take advantage of people's innocence? ( angrely)

Xuan - You shut up I'm not talking to you so keep your mouth shut

Jiyang-What do you want now Xuan, are you still not at peace after ruining my life (angrely )

Xuan - it's nothing i want my baby back

Jiyang - How many times should I tell you, he is just my child and you have no right on him (yelled)

Xuan - but i am his father ( yelled)

Jiyang - You seem nothing to him Xuan and now you have remembered that you also have a child, where were you all these days huh......Didn't you know that after what you did to me, I would become pregnant and suddenly you came to know and you walked away with your head held high like a braless one while having your child, You weren't even slightly ashamed of how you could ask for a child from that omega whose innocence you took advantage of.

Xuan - Jiyang.....

Jiyang - There is no need to say anything, that child is mine and only mine, it would be better for you to go away from our lives and never interfere in our lives.

Yang Yang - Mama what's happening here

Yang Yang comes in front of Xuan

Jiyang - Baby, nothing happened, go play in the garden, okay

Yang Yang nods her head and is about to leave. Xuan holds her hand. Jiyang gets scared and everyone is shocked.

Xuan - Yang Yang I am your father call me dadda

Yang Yang - No *points towards Bowen*he is my father

Xuan ( angely)-Yang Yang I am your father and you will call me dadda

Yang Yang - No he is my dadda uncle

Xuan holds Yang Yang's hand tightly angrily

Yang Yang ( teary eyes)-Bad uncle leave my hand I am hurting

Xuan - will you call me dadda or not

Yang Yang ( teary eyes)- No, I will never say this, you are a very bad uncle, you can never be like my dadda, dadda loves me very much and you are hurting me, I hate you uncle.

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