Always Together

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I've known this lil nigga for three weeks now, and he's starting to make my stomach feel weird. Like yesterday he kissed my cheek and made me blush, I was nervous ever since. I don't even know why I hang with him cause he's always on gay shit but he's actually cool when he's ready and he buys me food and other things without asking for anything in return.

Right now he's at work and I'm thinking about pulling up on him cause I'm bored. I'm in an Uber outside the mall he works at. As I walk in I see him talking to a shawty with shoes in her hands. She's smiling like he's the funniest nigga ever and I know his ugly ass ain't that funny. I walk over there and pull his shirt, alerting him that I'm here. He looks at me and smiles bigger than ever 'that's right bitch, I'm all he's really looking for' I think to myself. I don't know why but it really upsets me when he tries talking to people like he does me. And no I'm not jealous cause I like him or anything it's just why would you preach that you want me so bad to only prove me wrong by talking to others?

He barely talked to me. He made me sit on one the benches and wait for him to finish work. I had to wait a good thirty minutes. He's finished now and called me to follow him, we're walking through the mall right now so I decided to ask about the girl. Just curious as to the really funny joke he cracked. I love laughing too.

"Nigga the fuck you tell that lil ugly bitch to have her laughing like that? Cause I know your brown ugly ass ain't even funny. Never had me laughing like that." I said he started laughing like I cracked a joke too. I stopped walking causing him to eventually stop and look back at me.

"We was just comparing our shoe size, her feet are really small so I mentioned it, then she said mine are just so big so anyones foot is small compare to mine" " her feet smaller than mine?" I don't even care about shoe size, I don't even know why I'm asking such a dumb ass question. I only asked because he also mentioned my shoe size when we met. He seems to like small feet.

He looks at me like I'm dumb "fuck you bitch, ugly ass nigga" he laughed "c'mere" he said to me but I just walked past him. He grabbed my hand pulling me back, making me yank my hand away. I don't know why this is upsetting me so much but it is, because why are you even looking at other people feet for. Weird ass nigga "fuck you touching me for bitch. Always with that gay ass shit, only you like dick in the booty. I wonder how...." "Kennedy" he stated realizing I didn't know her name "fuck you".

He's been laughing ever since our mall walk, we're now at his house. I'm no longer angry. He decided not to buy me anything to eat because he said his mother cooked. I've actually never seen his family other than his 2 older brothers. They still technically live there but one sleeps at his girlfriend regularly and the other is in college and sleeps in a dorm room. His parents travel for work and are gone months at a time. He's still laughing about my lil tantrum and keeps talking about Kendra or what ever her name is on purpose.

"You finish your little tantrum now? Or do you need another time out?" He laughed. When we got in the car he stopped answering me and told me I'm in time out. Now I'm on his bed mugging him. His phone pinged he smiled at me. He turned the screen to show me that Kenya started following him on instagram. I don't know what took over me but I started shouting at him again. I know he was doing it to provoke me but it was working.

It's been a couple hours now and he hasn't followed her back. I checked his following to make sure. "You're jealous Kai. If you're not let me talk to Kennedy and if you are claim me and I'll never talk to no person ever again." I looked at him "block her" he started laughing like I cracked a joke. I took his phone and blocked her myself. I then messaged him and told him 'ok. Don't ever talk to anyone again'. He looked up at me with a giddy smile. Made my stomach feel weird. "Smiling all hard for what? ugly ass". He kissed my cheek and I just stared at him.

We're lying on his bed and for the past couple minutes he's been asking me if this means we're together. It obviously doesn't, it just means he won't be together with anyone else. He's rubbing on me and I know he doesn't know this but it's making my dick hard. Now he's making me horny and gay or not gay head is good as fuck. From anyone. "Come give me head and then you'll know" he looked at me shocked before he jumped up and started pulling my sweats down.

My dick is out and he's staring at me, I nod my head. This is going to be my first time getting head from a nigga. He's licking my tip while looking at me dead in the eyes. I shut mine from embarrassment. He slaps my thigh causing me to jump "keep them eyes open" I shut them again cause I ain't no bitch "fuck I just tell you Kaishawn". I opened my eyes seeing my entire dick in his mouth. Seeing him like this and hearing the way he says my name is making me harder than I thought was possible. He started sucking the shit out my dick. I was biting my lip, not wanting a moan to slip after remembering when he told me he'll have me moaning like a bitch. "Let me hear you Kaishawn" he said in a deep voice. I moaned like a bitch out of nowhere. He stuck his finger in my mouth as I opened it. "Suck these bitches" I started sucking not knowing what I was doing, just obeying as he sucked my dick. He removed his fingers and I felt them by my ass. I was in such bliss I said nothing. Until I felt it start going in. I paused, he still sucked my tip, other hand playing with my balls. "Uhhh....... Fuck" I screamed. Feeling the best orgasm reaching. I tried to stop it but out of nowhere I nutted with no warning.

I looked at Jah in fear and embarrassment, this was the fastest I ever nutted. He started laughing so I jumped up pulled up my pants and attempted to run out and never speak to him again. As I was running he grabbed me. Pulling me in his lap with me fighting and kicking. Out of nowhere I felt water on my cheek and a hand wiping the tears I didn't know were falling. " it's ok baby. It was your first time experiencing something so good, it's understandable why you'd cum. Plus I'm really that nigga .... Turning you into a minute man" he laughed. I tried to get up again still crying. I don't know why I was crying, embarrassment?, fear?, lack of knowledge?, or the fact I just let this nigga suck my dick and finger me? Might be all the above.

I'm now waking up and looking at the time I've been out for three hours. I look around and see no one, I feel sad again thinking he probably left me and only wanted my body and now that he got it he doesn't care. That quickly left when I realized I was still at his house. I heard noise downstairs and headed in that direction. When I got there I saw Ray sitting next to him crying.

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