Say It To Me

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I woke up the morning feeling great, no vomiting, no need to urinate, nothing. I'm still a little shocked about what's happening but I'm definitely very confused. Jah is still sleeping, I'm going to go back home soon and talk to my family because I really can't have a child in the house, there's already little to no room. I'm definitely not staying in Jah's parent's house so I guess we'll have to go apartment hunting.

"So you want to move in together?" Jah asked and I nodded "I'm cool with it, you already practically live here" I started to laugh. "Oo you think I mean live here together? The fuck no. I want my own shit, why would I live here with your parents, I barely even know them." I also realized recently that me nor Jah knows each others families, like we know them but we never had full meetings, I've ran into his parents while I was here and he's met my sister and siblings but that's it.

We're now sitting outside and I'm starting to get hot. Jah won't let me be naked outside but I really don't want to go in but I'm too hot for outside. He never lets me do anything. "Baby you know what, there's an apartment complex like an hour away, let's go look at it today, and get searching, I want to move now you're like this, since you'll just get bigger." I started to cry "what do you mean since I'm just going to keep getting bigger? You don't think I look good?" I asked. I knew I was bloated and getting uglier. This probably why he won't let me take my clothes off.

I've been crying and ignoring Jay because all he does is hurt my feelings, I have sweats on with an oversized jacket, I don't want him to notice I'm getting bigger even if he's already started. I know I'm pregnant but I really don't like how it's making me look, I feel as though I'm not as handsome and as if my body is just so unattractive. Jah still compliments me but I feel as though it's just for me to hear and not what he's thinking.

Jah came in the bedroom and started laying with me, he's been in here for about an hour trying to touch me but I'm too embarrassed right now. I don't want him to see me like this. "Kai. Stop being like this and let me see my baby" "no, now stop touching me" "Kaishawn c'mere" Jah reached for my stomach and started rubbing it so I sucked it in as much as I could. Mmtch "Kai what are you doing" I looked at him sad and started crying "nothing" he just stared at me and started kissing my stomach. I really hate this.

"Say it again please" "I love you, I love your body, I love your fat ass" he smacked and squeezed my ass "I love your smile, I love your face, I love everything about you but most importantly I love that you're the person who's going to be carrying my baby because I know you're going to be the best parent ever. And when you're ready I'm ready for all that ass that's on you to be on me. No don't talk yet, Kai you're the best thing that has ever happen to me, you're literally my entire life and I don't know what I'd do without you. I just love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and honestly if you ever think you're going anywhere I'll kill you and whoever nigga or bitch got your attention."

I've been crying for the past 15 minutes just because of Jah's speech. He's just been sitting here with me rubbing my back and watching me. "Weirdo" I said while laughing. I'm just so happy, he's literally the love of my life and he just told me I'm the love of his life, I figured I was loved by him but I didn't know I meant this much to him. It feels so surreal.

"Come on baby just a little" "Jah you're such a fucking weirdo, why you went to eat my ass so much?" "Cause I love it baby" "Daddy ughhhhhhggghhh am I your baby?" "Get the fuck out of my face Kai" he started laughing, I was laughing till tears started spilling from my eyes. I couldn't stop laughing. "Stopppppp" I shouted because Jah was now mushing my face. "Say it again" "I love you" "Kai you always want me to say it to you but you don't ever say it to me, say it to me" "I love you pookie bear" "bruh get out my face with this shit ok?" "But for real I love you" "I love you too"

We should start making tiktoks together like other couples. "No we shouldn't" "Jah you're literally no fun ever" "Kai you never want to wear clothes, where you finna make these tiktoks looking like that?" I love when he gets like this, I just feel so much better knowing he wants me all to himself and wants no one to see me. I smiled at him as he just looked at me with a blank face. He has no idea I just do this for a reaction.


I know Kai asks me these questions so I can show jealousy, I understand why he does it but it's really not me, I'm just not the jealous type but I pretend to be because I know that's what he likes and I want to make him happy, and if I need to be jealous of his every interaction I'll do just that if it means he feels happy and appreciated. He's smiling at me now because he thinks I'm not aware of what he's doing. But deep inside I'm laughing at his chubby face smiling. Such a cutie.

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