Meeting Trouble

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Kennedy has gotten my number from Ray. I don't think it was supposed to be a harmful act by Ray, I think she genuinely didn't think it through. But I'm sitting here at work on FaceTime with Kai thinking of how to explain to him how I saw her and why she has my number.

Kai is hanging with curls right now and they're going to an event later. I would come but I'm going to be tired from work. Kai hasn't really been separate from me either so this is also my way to let him have some friend time. "Jah are you listening?" "Huh? What were you saying?" "Never mind" "ok. I wanted to tell you something that's been on my mind lately. I saw Kennedy again. She was at an event I was at and came and said hi, I made sure she knew I was in a relationship. But Ray gave her my number on some friendly shit"


This why I don't fuck with Ray, she ain't a bad person per se but she's always fucking messing up my life. First she needs to be with him all the time cause she's pregnant and have no one else and now she giving out his number. The fucks wrong with this bitch yo. "The fucks wrong with you and Ray? Did you answer?"

"Yes it was a random number so I asked who and she said who, she asked if I was good and I said yes and the chat ended there. "Screen record the chat right now and show me, I'll know if anything was deleted." I said to him. He did and sent me. He really did just said yes and left it at that.

I'm with Ramon and we have to promote this little event today, we're both promoters for small clubs, it's doesn't pay us a whole lot but it's enough for us who have no responsibilities. I miss Jah even though I'm on the phone with him, his parents are coming back next weekend so I'll be seeing him less. I still haven't told my family or friends I'm in a relationship with a dude. Not that I'm hiding cause I'm with him in public, I just haven't 'came out' and said anything.

Jah friends know well probably except Ray since she clearly either wants him or wants anyone else to have him but me. My friend should know by now and my sister knows. I have other siblings but we don't talk about who's with who to each other. My family isn't very connected, we obviously talk to each other but we don't really hang with each other. From the time I was born it was really only me and my sister together, my older siblings either were at school or work and the younger ones weren't here yet. When they got here they fell into the trap I was in because I was then either at work or school.

"Kaishawn you heard me?" "No, my fault what you said?" "I'm off lunch I got to head back to work" "ok bye" I love you. I thought to myself, I've never been told I love you on the regular. My mother usually says it every birthday or tells everyone together on Christmas. I'm not no weird ass nigga who be looking for love but it would be fun to find, and I think I found it with Jah.


I really like hanging with Kai, I'm glad we're together. He's really clingy and needs to talk to me 24/7 but I was raised without having people under me all the time, obviously my parents were home more regularly because I was a minor but they were still busy with work, so outside of my few friends and my older siblings (sometimes) I was usually on my own. I think this why it's so weird for Kai to be under me so much, I'm not accustomed. It's not bad but I think you can tell who's being clingy. If you check our call log he calls me several times a day, he doesn't give me a chance to call. I would call him though because I do like talking to him.

I'm trying to get accustomed to it but sometimes I just wonder why he's so dependent on me. With having such a big family I'd think he'd want more space but I guess he just likes me a lot. I wouldn't say I love him but I'm very close, I don't know what it is about him that makes me want to love him. The drastic change he made was weird for me, but I'm slowly becoming accustomed to it but I think that change is what really made me feel like I'm close to falling for him. He's just beautiful inside and out.

I really hope nothing or no one ruins what we have.

Both Kai and Jah have family issues, where they weren't shown or given as much love as a child should. They both know they were loved and understand why the parents did what they did.
It affected them differently. From not having lots of attention even though he's in a quite large family he wants all Jah's attention because he finally found a person who's into only him and wanted his attention only. The change may seem fast to some but he's like this because he finally found someone and he doesn't want to let them go, he knows it can be annoying but he really can't help it. Jah on the other hand is from a smaller family but wasn't given much attention either, his brothers weren't in his life all the time and his parents were often busy with work, because of this he got accustomed to being alone and doesn't need to be under people, he assumes Kai wouldn't need to be under him because having such a large family people assume you get lots of attention. It's hard to distribute attention to such a large number of people. They both suffer from the same family issues in a way but cope/ behave differently.

I know the families only have a 1 person difference because it's Kai and his 4 sibling and 1 mother. Which is 6 members of the family. When I think of someone having 5 kids I think it's a large family and especially since she's on her own and poor. While Jah's family who live an upper middle class life is only 3 kids but 2 parents. Which is 5 members of the family.

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