I Do

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I know Kai is the love of my life but sometimes I think he doesn't know this and I think we need to do something about this, Kai was bragging to me about letting me handle the situation with the dude myself, but that's what normal couples do. As I was scrolling on instagram I saw something about going to therapy, I talked to Karla about it and she said she thinks it's a good idea. She doesn't know Kai though. I do

I can't find a way to bring up the topic, I'm just staring at the sink as I ponder on how to do this. Kai's still in bed but I know he'll be a little hungry when he gets up so I'm going to prepare him something to eat. Some may ask why do I do so much for Kai or try so hard when Kai doesn't "seem to do the same". It's simple, we're different people, Kai needs things I dont need. Kai needs reassurance, he needs to feel loved, he needs to be pampered, he needs loyalty, he needs respect, support, he needs to feel wanted and he needs us to spend time together or be in contact 24. I on the other don't need any of that other than love, respect, loyalty and trust. I'm not saying he's needy because those are things most people probably look for in relationships but I'm just different.

But Kai also does a lot for me, he looks at me like I'm the best things to ever be made in this world. I love that. He will fight for me till the death, I love that. He has the prettiest face and sexiest body I've ever seen, I love that. And he's always himself, I love that. I know it's not healthy what he does sometimes but i really don't know how to get him to feel better because he still doesn't seem to trust that I love him so much and would literally do anything for him. Anything.

"Baby what are you doing?" Kai asked me "how would you feel about going to couples therapy?" I waited a couple seconds and started hearing crying, realizing that Kai still hadn't answered the question I looked at him and see him watching me as tears stream down his face. "What's wrong baby?" "Why do we need therapy? Did I do something?" He asked and then I realize saying couples therapy would mean I think something's wrong with our relationship. I only said couple because he may be against going alone.

I walked over to him hugging him "no baby I was just saying this because I was thinking and we both have some.... Have some weird quirks we may need to work on. I'm not as opened to being with you 24/7 because I clearly have some deep rooted issue with my family and being alone I guess and you have something similar" I tried to bring up my problems without his so he'd think it's for me and feel like going, sadly I forgot Kai also loves me and wouldn't want me to feel bad.

"No baby you're perfect, I don't mind that you like being alone, it's ok" he cried as I kept hugging him. "Ok baby don't worry about it right now, I'll bring it up later ok?" "Why?" "Don't worry baby, come and eat I made breakfast" Kai's pregnant and his emotions are all over the place, I think I'm going to drop it until our baby is here hopefully it'll help, but for right now I guess I'll have to keep up with what I've been doing.

I'm laying in bed rubbing Kai's stomach, it's getting bigger and bigger and every-time I see it I'm reminded that this man the love of my life will be bringing my first kid into this world. Love this for us.


I'm sitting with Jah and all I can think about is what I did wrong that he thinks we need couples therapy, I know he said forget about it but I can't. I know I've probably not been the best boyfriend and can work on certain issues but I really do try. Like I didn't even say anything to the ugly fuck who tried to speak to him about the cereal, I'm really trying my best. I just hope he won't leave me.

He's still rubbing my stomach, smiling at me like I'm the most beautiful boy in the world, but I know right now I look like a whale but I still appreciate the look.

As he's rubbing I start to drift to sleep.


I know he's worried about what I said and now I feel dumb for bringing it up, especially the way I did. As I kept thinking I saw Kai drifting. "Say it" he told me, it's something he does through out the day. He'd even message me and type 'say it' just for me to send a voice note. If he doesn't think I love him I don't know what else he needs me to do. I chuckle. "I Love you baby, now get some rest and ease your brain. What you're thinking is wrong ok? I just wanted us to be better people. We both have faults and although we'll love each other with or without them, it's still nice to try and work on them." He smiled

I kissed his lips with one passionate kiss followed by 3 little pecks, he just kept smiling as I cuddled him and we both feel asleep.

As I was sleeping I dreamed a little about the future. In this dream we were at the alter saying our I Do's

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